I have a female friend who I used to talk to all the time. Almost every day id message her one way or another, and if I saw her in person always said hi. We were so close even if we didn’t talk for a week or two. However I’ve come to realize recently that I was constantly suppressing feelings for her, and now they’re coming back up.
The other side to this is I have gotten into relationships and pushed her away multiple times, I went to reach out to her recently after a breakup, only to realize she had me blocked on Snapchat, and Instagram.
My number wasn’t blocked so I texted her that I wanted to reconnect, but was left on read a few days ago. My cousin told me not to text her and respect her boundaries but I’m dying thinking I ruined this.
I don’t blame her, however I got into therapy a couple months ago and am working on fixing myself. I wish I hadn’t burned the bridge. Maybe this is more a rant than advice seeking, but I just wish I knew if she’d even ever talk to me again.

1 comment
  1. If you kept pushing her away then ofc she don’t want anything to do with you. Treat this as a learning experience

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