I’m 13. Last night I had a really sexual dream about my older brother. He’s 16. I’m not sure what to do about this. Was it wrong of me? I’ve recently developed strong feelings for him. I feel really guilty about it.

  1. Brains are weird.

    Dreams can’t hurt people, so you don’t have any reason to feel guilty. This is a dream you should not act on.

  2. At that age our brains can think really strange things, It’s not bad that you had that dream but it would be really bad if you try something in real life, please just leave it as a dream and move on

  3. Dreams are NOT LITERAL.

    Everything in a dream is a metaphor for something else. That means your brother was not your brother in the dream—he represents something else. Do you feel safe with him? Or do you aspire to be like him? or do you want attention from someone older? or someone you trust? He represents something you’re lacking in your life and that you want. But that does not mean you want HIM. Get that thought out of your head right away. There’s nothing to feel guilty about. Dreams are just your brain sorting through and processing things with little stories that do not mean things literally, at all.

  4. Hormones can be weird and confusing. Dreams can be weird and confusing. You don’t have to feel ashamed or guilty for having thoughts about things.

  5. nothing is wrong with you, you haven’t developed feelings. brains are weird, hormones are weird. give it a few days and try to take your mind off of it and it will pass.

  6. Tell your parents about this and then immediately seek therapy. theyll help you work through all your feelings and the guilt.

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