Hi everyone!

I’m currently 27(F) and I’m steady approaching 28 in November! In February my ex of three years cheated on me and ended our relationship – which with hindsight isn’t okay but it happened and I dealt with by going to therapy every week for three months. I am now fully over it and that relationship and I have no feelings for him of hostility or love towards him, in fact I’ve no idea what he’s up to which suits me well!

Whilst in therapy I didn’t date and was committed to my new job, my small business and self-improvement mentally and physically. I’m now in the best shape and mental health of my life. I’m Im super happy and had the best summer and made many new friends and made many new memories!

But, as winter approaches I can’t help but slightly panic at being single – it’s not because I want to be in a relationship but I’m concerned with the age element. I feel maybe my standards are too high? Perhaps, I’m a difficult person? Maybe I’m too old? It’s so silly because I’ve been on many wonderful dates this year and met great people. It didn’t work out! But I’m just wondering if I’m just doing something wrong?

  1. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Two of my best friends (34F and 36M) have both been single for years now. Don’t lower your standards. You’re not too old. You’re still in your 20’s. My aunt remarried at 54. Take things your own pace. Enjoy life at your own speed.

    Edit: OCD about grammar and spelling.

  2. >It’s so silly because I’ve been on many wonderful dates this year and met great people. It didn’t work out! But I’m just wondering if I’m just doing something wrong?

    How many first dates did you have this year? Mostly, people undererstimate the sheer number of people you need to meet in such a context to have good chance of finding one that has mutual relationship potential. I’d say, don’t expect a relationship if you did less than 30 dates.


    Also, as i just saw in your post history: ASTROLOGY IS NOT ABLE TO TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT YOURSELF OR YOUR FUTURE. And it is DEFINITELY not helping you find a new partner. Men tend to keep away from women who are too much into astrology.

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