Girl here lmfao. Im just wondering what are some things were super self conscious about or like we worry it will be a deal breaker for you guys that u guys actually dont care about at all. I hope this makes sense sorry.

  1. I mean obviously for every man it’s subjective, but something that doesn’t matter to me in my relationship is wether my girlfriend wears make up not, I think she’s beautiful either way

  2. Pussy lips 💋 I don’t care if it’s a model porno slit or Arby’s I’m going to eat it.

  3. What women perceive as their physical flaws. When we look at women’s bodies, we’re looking at things we like. No man talks to another man and criticises a woman’s cellulite or a scar or belly fat.

    While I think of it, someone once apologised to me about the colour of her nipples. 99.999999% of my brain was thinking “Yay! Nipples!” and the part that wasn’t, wasn’t thinking about the colour of them but last week’s football results.

  4. Whatever it is that I so wouldn’t believe Ashley said at the salon today about her boyfriend Tod

  5. Thigh gaps, hip dips and other things like that. We probably won’t notice unless you point it out.

  6. Some think we expect girls to look like airbrushed and starving 18 yr ol models

    We don’t .

    So many moms especially are so self conscious after having a kid . Most of us aren’t exactly pin up material

    Once you can actually relax your mind – free yourself from unrealistic body expectations – you can really enjoy yourself but if you are all up in your head when we are trying to get down and busy – well we still get there and you are left wanting more

    I love when you finally get your girl comfortable confident and relaxed cause that’s when the fun really happens

  7. A lot of ideas about beauty and fashion are blamed on men, but women really dress up for other women.

  8. Edit: wow! Thanks for the rewards, kind strangers!

    Stretch marks, cellulite in that one area that won’t go away.

    Whether you wear makeup or not.

    Sometimes the drama of your friends or work, but then again, other times we may be interested depending. For example,if it’s the essentially same story over and over, then we get tired of it and don’t care. (I.e. Your friend Jill needs to just dump Mark because he’s obviously an ass to her, but won’t break up with him. We’ve both told her to just break up and you keep telling me about their drama. I’m going to just stop caring and not want to hear it)

    Side subject:

    Something women think guys do, but don’t, yet in my experience, women do all the time:

    Talk about your body or details about our sexual experiences with our friends. We actually respect you and don’t do that, and frankly, it upsets me when I find out my partners tell her friends’ details.

    I dated a girl once who told female mutual friends, albeit positive things about me in the bedroom, and one of our friends flirtingly commented to me about it specifically, and I was like WTF. Confronted my then GF about it, and she’s like, “Oh, don’t tell me, men don’t do the same thing!!!” And the look of shock on her face when I told her, “No!! We don’t; outside of general comments of ‘Yay! I got laid last night’ and ‘You go dog!’ That’s about the extent of what we say.” was priceless.

  9. Everything from Makeup to toenails tbh. Let me get you in an oversized hoodie to cuddle ffs.

  10. Whatever the newest beauty trend that women are supposedly supposed to look up to.

    I’ve never once thought, “Damn, she’s cute but her thighs are touching. Guess I’m not attracted to her anymore.”

  11. The thing is, even if I don’t like something about particular woman I can easily get used to it, or learn to actually like it, if she has something going on that I like. It works either within romantic relations and platonic too.

  12. Your super fancy and expensive updo. Dang girl, I like you in a pony tail and baseball cap.

  13. At least for me personally? Makeup. If I think a woman is pretty, 9/10 the makeup has nothing to do with it, and often I find her prettier without it. Sometimes it seems women like to do makeup and nails and stuff more to impress other women than to attract men, because it’s rarely a feature I care about (though some ladies really do rock a look well and I can certainly appreciate that, it’s just not at the top of my attraction list.)

  14. I mean honestly most of whatever you’re self conscious about we don’t care much about, outside of just looking good, hygiene, being healthy and a nice person. In terms of the more cosmetic stuff, like your fashion sense, makeup, hair style… you really don’t have to try that hard. 80% of men in a relationship are just happy they found someone, so long as you don’t let yourself go or develop a bad personality, most of us will still just be happy and grateful we found someone who liked us back

  15. Most things in regards to appearance

    Until a certain point we care about it (hygiene, proper clothes, not being overweight) but many women who are beyond that point still think they’re not enough and men want a flawless princess with blonde hair and a perfect body who wears amazing dresses all the time. We don’t

    Me personally I’d be happy with a cute curvy girl who wears T shirts and sneakers on dates. She’s better than the Barbie dolls. And many would agree with me

  16. Make up. Like all of it. Do it because it’s fun for you. Don’t do it because we think it’s the expectation, we don’t.

  17. Panty lines. Never in a million years would we notice or care. Wear a thing up your ass to avoid them, but know at no time in the history of mankind did any dude say to another, “she was cute, but did you see those panty lines? I think I’ll pass.”

  18. I did not know what a hip ~~bump~~ dip was until I read a thread full of insecure women about it.

    It’s not unattractive in the slightest, hell if they have an athletic or muscular body type it is flattering if anything as it accentuates their quads.

    Which brings me to another thing: imo a woman cannot gain “too much muscle” unless they use steroids. Fitness is hot regardless of gender.

  19. Nails. Honestly women wear that shit to impress other women. I have never seen a man who was more than neutral to it. A bunch of men actually dislike them.

  20. Honestly, I think men care way more about personality than women think. Sure there are shallow men that want a woman to look as close to a porn star as possible, but most men I know aren’t picky about the things women are told to be picky about and care more about having a companion and relationship with a non-shallow person.

  21. I’m just gonna say broadly: if he’s already into you then you don’t have to worry about your looks so much. I’ll be with girls and I think they’re gorgeous but they keep bringing attention to their flaws and trying to get you to either agree with them or sort of console them. Meanwhile you’re just thinking “if I didn’t like them freckles I wouldn’t be here in the first place” lol

  22. Thigh gaps? I’ve only recently caught onto this when a woman posted a question regarding them… who the fuck cares about this? Those extremely tight compressions look very uncomfortable.

  23. Always wearing makeup

    Boob size

    Waist size

    Appearance flaws such as scars or stretch marks.

    What we do care about:
    Your overall attitude, don’t be manipulative, don’t “test” us, don’t beat around the bush when communicating, have actually discussions about issues or really anything you want to talk about.

  24. Nearly everything. Six pack abs, don’t care. In fact, getting them isn’t really healthy for you. But just everything. The color of your skin/lips/teeth/vagina/ whatever. The way you boobs/ nipples look, your sense of fashion, the way you style your hair, the shape of your ass. How nice your shoes/handbag/accessories are.

    We’re either attracted to you or not. Physical attraction can’t be finessed. And it has a hell of a lot more to do with your genetics than your trappings.

    Who you are is WAY more important. Can you be honest with yourself? Are you showing up as your best version of you? How much fun are you to be around? How much baggage/trauma are you dragging around that is completely undealt with and toxic? Are you loyal? Kind?

    Do the inner work, polish up your inner gems, and it will shine through and make you more beautiful.

  25. Big fake fucking lips. In fact literally no guy thinks it’s attractive. Not one. Ever.

  26. Eyebrows and eyelashes, I have never suddenly lost interest in a woman because she didn’t have butterfly wings and eyebrows on sin cos and tan levels.

    How they look in the gym, it’s an unspoken rule that you don’t bother women in the gym for non gym stuff, however in my view a lot of women look more attractive in their gym wear as a daily activity because if it was a relationship situation that’s how I would most commonly see them, in a relaxed state.

    I don’t care how you laugh as long as it’s real.

    If you are a plus size women, we know that too and are ok with the wibbles and wobbles.

    How your day was at work, if I already know about it.

    And if we are talking sexually.

    Don’t care how your butt whole looks in doggy,

    Don’t care about queefs.

    Don’t care about nipple size, shape or colour.

    And again if you happen to be plus size we know, if he dies he dies.

  27. The problem is that some guys will care. There will always be someone that cares about something stupid. For most guys though we don’t seem to care about much. If we find you attractive then you’re attractive. Small things don’t generally change that.

  28. Whether or not you’ve shaved between your legs.

    I don’t care how long the grass is, I just want to play in the garden.

  29. Seeing you without make up, when my girlfriend came round my house without her make up on for the first time I was so happy, like unbelievably happy, to me it meant that she was comfortable around me and that really meant the world to me

  30. Can’t speak for all guys but a lot of guys are pretty body positive and care more about how you feel than how you look. I’m seeing this one gal who lost a ton of weight but still feels self conscious about her appearance and I told her like “look, idgaf I’m not just looking at you, I’m looking at YOU. You’re a curvy gal, I like that, but youre also cute and funny and charming as hell. Don’t let yourself get stuck in your head.”

    You don’t need to look like a model, but you do need to be yourself. I can’t stand inauthenticity or fakery. I dont fuck with that. Be yourself, ppl love that. Genuine ppl do anyway. If a guy can’t appreciate you as you are kick that mother fucker to the curb. Don’t change core aspects of yourself cause they don’t meet another’s expectations, thats bullshit. I’ve done it for women before and I’ll never do it again. Am who I am. Weird, quirky, hilarious. Sure I have my faults but I mean God gave me good looks and a big dick so he had to nerf me somehow lmao

  31. OP: do a new post asking what are some things that guys DO care about that women aren’t aware of. That would be an even more enlightening post. We got some stuff to clear up w y’all and you can take the info back to female headquarters for us 😂

  32. All we usually want from a girl we’re attracted to, is for her to genuinely make an effort if shes into us, and for her to be loyal, if we believe in monogamy. Oh and also, don’t always let the guy initiate sex once you’re dating. It can make people feel unwanted if they always need to initiate sex and their partner never does. #happyhuntingyall

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