Men of reddit, do you prioritize your partner or your family more and why?

  1. Family is bounded by blood 🩸

    Partner is bounded by words 💭

    Red🩸stains white 💭

  2. My wife comes first. When we have kids they’ll come after her.

    Then the rest of the family comes next. That includes my in-laws, all of whom I love very much.

  3. My wife comes first, parents and siblings very close behind. She will be my priority until she gives me reason to let her go.

    We are building our own family unit, separate from either of our original units, but the bonds are still there.

  4. My wife and life partner and her needs will ALWAYS have priority over our kids. An older gentleman once told me, “all parents would do well to remember their kids for all intents and purposes, are guests in their home.” Meaning: what happens to your relationship once the kids are gone. Do you even have one?

  5. My partner is my family. If you’re talking about my sibling, parent, etc… My wife is first. And that’s how it should be. She didn’t cause my need for therapy. In fact, she encouraged me to get it.

  6. I’m single now, but would absolutely prioritize family first. If there was a fire, and I had to run back in to save just one between a family member and my hypothetical wife, I’d choose family member.

  7. My partner is family too, but it’s a tough decision. My parents didn’t approve me getting into a relationship at all, they don’t believe in dating, but I got into a relationship with my current partner regardless of that and we’re now engaged. So technically, I put her before my parents, but they now support us.

  8. My cat. End of times comes I’d steal our mode of transportation and food. Me and dr whiskers would set off together and leave it all behind

  9. Wife, then kids, although they are basically then the same level. Then my mom, then my sister. Then nobody matters after that.

    If you prioritize your parents before your girl, youre gonna be an unhappy human

  10. My partner is my family. And we have created a family together. They are my priority.

    Your question doesn’t make sense. Hopefully my reply will give you the answers you need.

  11. family, always family (of course its for my situation some people might have a different experience), i have learned, that you can nearly never completely trust a female partner (don’t know about men, that’s for women to explain), but a real good family is always there for you, because they got to be there for you, because they are your family, but partners, in the end of the day, ethical reasons or not, they have their own agendas and goals for being with you, and there is always a possible situation that she will betray your trust. sadly i learned this in a very hard way, families are annoying, siblings are annoying, they are not always logical, but in the end of the day, those are the only only and only people that ACTUALY truly care about you for you from the bottom of their heart.

  12. Partner more. She gets the majority of my time and effort. But she knows if she ever asked me to choose between her and my family she’d lose. We dont have kids, but when we do theyd fall under the family umbrella.

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