I (22m) have been dating my gf (21f) for the past 3 and half years it’s been long distance the entire time we have made visits and try to go as much as money allows us. I love her dearly and have fought hard to keep her in my life. We both have our own mental illness that we struggle with and we have been fighting a lot more recently and it’s tiring. Our sex lives have also dried up when we are away from each other. She has said she wants to be better and I don’t want to leave her but I am tired and feel trapped right now and I don’t know what to do because I know eventually I’ll feel better about the whole relationship but it just feels weird in my own head right now about how our conversations and interactions are. I don’t want to lose her or our time together I loved every second of everything even our bad times this is the only time I have just felt burnt out I guess. If anyone has any advice that would be nice

1 comment
  1. You mentioned you have mental illness you’re facing and going through and I think that’s the main root problem why you experiencing these things. I’m also going through the same situation recently, to the point where I just don’t want to be with someone even family and friends. Still struggling right now, but I think one thing we can do is just hold still. I think this is the part of our relationships where our faithfulness and commitment to each other is tested. Deal with personal issues first and the rest will follow. Hope you’ll get through this soon man. God bless.

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