I’ve been with my boyfriend for many years but there’s a major issue when we have sex. I never talked to him about it because i don’t want to make him feel insecure. The problem is that he never gets fully hard. It’s like even if i give him oral his dick is like 70% hard. He has a big size but the feeling isn’t satisfying for me. I struggle getting turned on, it can be painful and i have high sex drive but I’m never having enough pleasure i loose interest quickly. Reasons why he has problems being hard might be because he’s a smoker, drinker and very stressed job. We are young in our early 20s so not usual and not like with other guys i been with. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to tell him but how to to change this? Should i try to suggest him supplements?

  1. My wild guess is that it’s just psychological. When guys have this problem in their 20s it’s rarely a health thing. Most of the time it’s just insecurity – often about the very fact that they’re not getting hard. It’s a closed circle that is difficult to break.

  2. Actually quitting alcohol and smoking while going to exercise can reverse the problem because blood flow will get better 🙂

  3. Alcohol, nicotine and stress can interfere with a man’s ability to get fully erect. Your boyfriend will have full erections if he stops drinking, stops smoking and learns how to mange his stress without alcohol and nicotine.

    You should read the FAQ section about erection issues. [https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/wiki/index/#wiki_erection_issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/wiki/index/#wiki_erection_issues)

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