My wife and I have been together for about 4 years, we met and hit it off really quick. Started going every where and doing everything together.
I was trying to get away from my parents as I was very sheltered most of my life and they are very controlling, she and I didn’t have a lot of friends so we really related a lot. We quickly started dating and soon moved in together.

My work is hard for her sometimes because for the first part of our relationship I was gone for a few months at a time, and we always had some small problems but always quickly made up and got back to normal when I got home.

Anyway about 2yrs ago she started having knee problems, I tried to get her to go see a doctor but she didn’t really want to saying it wasn’t quite “that” bad despite constantly talking about always being in pain, finally after hearing her talk about how bad it was one day *almost two months later. I told her she really needed to see a doctor And she finally agreed. he ended up sending her on to a physical therapist and after about 3 months she had significantly improved. I could tell a huge difference,her mood improved cause she could do things she hadn’t been able to do in a while.

About a month later she got fired from a job that she really loved (someone there had it out for her and so after she messed up one day it was enough for them). But getting fired from there absolutely broke her, she quit going to college, and I told her to take some time to figure out what she wanted to do and so she didn’t work or do much of anything for a month. Anyway I finally convinced her to go out and look for jobs and she found one that she enjoyed doing and even got back into college, That’s when she started to get sick all the time.
She was just sick with headaches and being tired and a few other minor things, she went to the doctor and he said she was fine but gave her some pain meds and released her this went on for about three months and to help her out I started to pick up most of the house chores even started making most meals on top of working my job 40hrs a week. And doing Uber eats in the evening so we could afford our bills.

She pulled a muscle in her chest at work one day. We immediately went to the doctor because everything hurt. I couldn’t even give her a hug without it hurting so it seemed pretty serious. The doctor did some tests and said it was just a muscle gave her some painkillers and a date to come back to check on it again. Eventually he sent her to a specialist and got X-rays and some other stuff done cause even after 4 months she still had not felt better. Finally they even sent her to a heart specialist to make sure it wasn’t something other than just a muscle and not any of the doctors could even find anything. Or a reason her chest should be hurting, so she just kept taking her pain pills and living life

I have been doing most of the chores around the house making dinner except for about 1-2 times a week when she would help I even helped her do her college and did some of it for her. Or she would als me to stand to the side during her online tests and look up the answers on Google for her. I practically had to wait on her for everything she needed because she hurt too bad to move. And On the rare occasion that she felt ok enough to have s*x it was just really quick and she was done. Maybe we did it once every 3 months or so even at one point going for 5 months without. Which was really hard for me. But it didn’t really seem to bug her and even today we do it about once every 1-2 months and only when she decides she wants it. I’ve tried to talk about this and I’ve made it clear that I will never make her do anything she doesn’t want to do, but I have also expressed that I would like it more often. I have even stopped multiple times half way through because she started hurting or just wasn’t feeling it anymore.

About four months ago was when she started to feel better from her chest, and we ended up moving for my job which at this point makes more than what mine and hers used to make together. She had dropped out of college again so we could move and quit her job about two months before we moved. I was ok with this because I really wanted her to start feeling better and I think it is really what made her chest stop hurting.
We started doing better started trying to work out she got back into college about 2or 3 weeks ago but isn’t working. But I feel like now she just expects me to come home and do most of the chores and cooking even though she is home most everyday she goes into classes twice a week and the rest of the time is spent at home. But even when I ask her to help me she will do half of it and just leave the rest for me to do, I’m just getting tired and I feel like between my job and everything else I don’t have time for myself.

Recently she has been getting migraines and can’t do much because her head is hurting and she is so emotionally dependent on me, so I’m always having to hype her up and tell her how good she looks or how good of a job she did sweeping the floors or what knot, and if I don’t immediately notice that she did do something around the house or change something she will literally come to me and point it out and say praise me or tell me how good it looks,

Idk maybe I’m just being a little selfish and petty. I feel like I dedicate so much time to her I have nothing left for myself. I do love her though I think she is an amazing person and I don’t want to leave her or anything because she is literally the only person I have right now, my family doesn’t like me and I don’t have many friends.
I wanted to go see a counselor even just to talk about what I thought but she says we are fine and don’t need any outside help.
I could really use some advice on what y’all think? Should I just suck it up and move on? Or how can I talk to her to help change some of the issues?

TL;DR: my wife is always sick or not feeling well and I’m stuck doing most cooking cleaning on top of work while she sits at home most days playing games.

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