Early 30s. Been thinning for about 4 years now. Among the many other things that seem to happen at this stage in a man’s life, it is the main reason my self-confidence has plummeted.

I simply don’t have the head shape to shave it all off (think ‘bloated broad bean’ head).

What do?

Ps: cba with the stigma surrounding men having these types of conversation. I just want my confidence back lol

  1. If you want to do it, can afford it etc then do it. You don’t need our permission to make yourself feel more comfortable in your own body.

  2. Go for it, if it makes you feel better that’s what matters. Most of these places do interest free finance anyway.

  3. I say go for it, if you can afford it and it makes you feel better. I just shaved mine but I had the head shape to pull it off. I would have definitely done the transplants if I didn’t.

  4. If you want a hair transplant and can afford it, do it. Remember though, if you seek confidence through hair you’ll only weaken once you lose it again. Try to develop self worth and confidence through daily actions and lifestyle.

  5. Just a word of warning. With a lot of these transplants it’s *very* obvious that the hair isn’t natural.

    If you do decide to go ahead, make sure you do your due diligence on your treatment provider.

  6. It’s very easy to tell when someone’s had a hair transplant.

    All the people who have seen you recently all know you’re balding. Just buzz your hair and roll with it.

    Save your money, go on an all inclusive holiday somewhere sunny.

  7. I’m in my 30’s and bald. Just shave your head. You get used to it surprisingly quickly and everyone who’s balding looks better after they’ve taken the plunge.

    Bear in mind hair transplants do not stop baldness progressing; you’ll need regular top ups for life unless you’re on androgen blockers. However, these can cause sexual disfunction and other issues. Either way, it’s a long term cost, not a one off payment.

  8. I would say don’t get in to debt for it, but if you can afford it and it will boost your confidence, then go for it! There are vloggers I know of on YouTube called The Lodge Guys and one of them got a hair transplant and actually filmed it. His hair is noticeably fuller now and I’m not sure it’s even been a year since the procedure.

  9. Not sure if you’re into football but Google Rob Holding. That says enough. If you have the money or willing to save, why not! You have one life, be confident in yourself and your appearance

  10. Mine receeded by my mid late 30s and so off it came. I always had short hair anyway so no real big deal. I actually prefer my shaved head now.

  11. Make sure you think about what you’ll do if/when the rest of it recedes. If you’ve lost a lot by your early 30s then by your 50s there’s a good chance you’ll have significant further recession. Are you planning to take finasteride to slow the rate of hair loss? A hair transplant that looks good today can look questionable in 20 years time.

    All that being said if it has the chance to significantly improve you life and you can afford it then go for it.

  12. Do it.

    I went to Turkey and had it done and wish I’d bit the bullet years earlier. I used to hate looking in the mirror and avoided taking pics of myself, now I’ll happily do both.

    Paid around £2500 if included door to door but there are plenty of cheaper ones out there too. Dr Emrah Cinik is the one I went to

  13. Why don’t you go for a consultation then decide? They will give you all the info and see if you’re a good fit.

    They take hair from the back of your head and move it to the front, so you need to have pretty thick hair at the back or you will just be moving the bald spot.

    I know someone who went for the consultation and was told he wasn’t a good candidate for it.

    Go, discuss it with them and you’ll have a better idea if you want it & it’s worth saving for.

    Wish you all the best x

  14. If you want a hair transplant and are still actively losing hair, you need to take finasteride or else it will be pointless. Take it for 6-12 months at least, assess if your hair loss has continued and then make a decision if you want to go ahead. Some people report side effects with finasteride, so you need to know if get them and if you can tolerate it. You will be taking it every 1-2 days for as long as you want to keep hair.

    FYI, There is a LOT of anecdotal stories around that people report it having permanent side effects involving libido, however there is no good science that supports this, so please do not be put off by ‘horror stories’ of people using it, as the vast majority don’t report any side effects at all.

  15. Ideally you need to get on medication (finasteride) before taking the plunge.

    Finasteride will likely stop or slow your hair loss. This is important as when you get a hair transplant, those hairs will likely stay in their new recipient area forever which is great. But without meds your hair loss will continue. So this is why you see guys with transplants with a perfect hairline then the odd appearance of thinning behind it.

    Minoxidil is also recommended to reverse thinning too.

    If you’re serious about it, you’ll already know all this but you may be early in your research journey. Any reputable surgeon is likely to suggest that you get on the meds for at least 9 months to see how your hair reacts before taking the plunge but this isn’t always required.

    Word of warning though, Finasteride does require a prescription and does have known side effects including loss of libido and depression. These tend to affect a small number of people that use it so again, another reason to try before taking the plunge.

    For context, I’m looking to get a HT but currently trying to conceive with my wife so am not on Finasteride. If/when we manage that, I think I’ll give it a go!

  16. I got it done 5 years ago in Glasgow for about 2.5k, hair is thinning again now and I might get it topped up.

    I’d say it was worth it, tip enquire about it and get a price, don’t accept it, either tell them you don’t want to pay all that or if you aren’t a haggler just leave it. They came back toe after a few weeks, maybe 6 and offered again at a lower price

  17. I say shave it off and embrace the bean.

    Fuck it mate, the best things in life don’t care about your hair.

  18. Do your research. If you still want it, can afford it, and you’re doing it for you and only you, do it! I’m a woman so no personal experience of it, but I’ve had a couple of cosmetic procedures and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. The boost to my self confidence was immeasurable.

  19. It depends, really, how much of a difference it would make to your confidence vs how much of a difference it would make to your bank balance.

    I personally completely understand men choosing hair transplants and hate people taking the piss out of them for it, even if it’s painfully obvious. It isn’t exactly the same as women who lose their hair young – I mean, you need a very particular style as a woman to be able to carry off a buzzcut, but it’s normal for men. But all the same it’s not a non-issue, and it’s true that some men do suit a bald head better than others.

    If you would really have to save up for it and give up other things to get it, then maybe there are other things you could do to make yourself feel better about your appearance in general, which could help your feelings about yourself. (Nobody is immune to vanity). And definitely don’t take any shortcuts – heh – by going for somewhere you don’t trust 100%.

  20. Have a close friend who had a hair transplant, it’s like action man hair in that you can clearly see it’s too uniform to be natural but it does look good.

    However the process is awful..
    I get laser tattoo removal on a monthly basis and I assure you it’s nothing compared to a hair transplant. It’s expensive and you’re going to want to stay inside for about a month after you have it done

  21. My friend if you are asking then maybe this is something you have been considering for a while; if you can afford it, just do it and don’t look back!

  22. Mate, I was in the same position as you.

    My head shape was odd and wasn’t sure being shaving it all would look good.
    I wore hats, but tbh I like wearing any and all hats so that helped.
    Tried head exercises, the weird caffeine shampoo, and it’s all shit.
    The meds that work really are for older men and weren’t suitable for me at that point in my life.
    Looked at transplants, but at that point, the money was a sticking point for me.

    After a while, I said “F*** it” and just shaved my head. Everyone is different but I have to say, after shaving it, I began to really like it. I feel so much more confident than I ever have and currently, not thinking of a hair transplant because I like my bald head (bar the amount you need to shave it).
    The issue I had, was seeing the bald spot in the mirror, that hurt… really hurt. Now, I look at my head in the mirror and end up stroking it, I really like it.

    My main problem, is I wish I did this years ago, however that’s life.

    Need to add, that if you do go for a transplant, you need to wait until you stop receding, else you will need to have it again as you will get another bald spot. (This may have changed in what they do, but when I remember looking and I am a similar age to you)

  23. If your hair is thinning try using hair fibres and take finasteride. If you can afford the transplant thats one thing but they can be extremely expensive and aren’t a 100% guarantee.

  24. A male colleague got it done a few years ago. Now he’s got the most amazing full head of hair. In the meantime you could try regaine/rogaine. As a woman who has thinning hair at the temples, I use regaine for women. Have definitely noticed a difference. The only thing is you have to keep using it. It’s not super expensive, I get 4 month supply for £40.

  25. Brother in law had it done recently. Going through the recovery now and waiting to see final results. He did say it was the most painful thing he’s ever done. The needle scraping between his scalp and skull and the subsequent anaesthetic was like setting fire to his brain. So that sounds fun.

  26. I was the same as you about 4/5 years ago. Best thing I ever did shaving it all off.

    I guarantee you’ll feel better for it.

  27. I’d shave it because it seems very vain to me and you’re gonna get the piss ripped out of you either way. That’s just me though, only you know if it’s right for you.

  28. I’m a female, and I’m all for men opting for any sort of treatment to help with confidence. I still feel as though there’s a bit of a ‘taboo’ with men opting for any sort of cosmetic treatment, but I’m all for people getting done what makes them happy.

    I have things that I’m incredibly self-conscious about and although I haven’t had anything done yet, I do plan on, as it really affects my self confidence and how i feel I’m perceived by others.

    If you have the means financially – go for it! 🙂

  29. My brothers hair was badly thinning and he held on to it for way to long. Mine started to thin (early days wasn’t too noticeable to others) but I decided to just shave it off. And shortly afterwards my brother took the plunge ( he is 7 years older than me). He looked far better without it. If you can afford a hair transplant then by all means go for it if it’s what you truly want. But going bald is a part of life for most men. Your confidence will never be stable if you are always worried about others seeing your thinning hair or what it looks like and I’m not sure if a hair transplant will completely fix this. You may find once you cut it off you will always wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Although everyone is different and taking the plunge to shave your head is a massive personal barrier that many don’t want to pass. I had second thoughts too. But I’ve yet to meet a man that regretted shaving his thinning hair off.

  30. Just do it. You can order the finasteride tablets that’ll stop it receding any more from doctorfox online and it costs about £12 a month.

  31. No one bats an eye when someone goes for a breast enchantment, or nose correction. You crack on my dude.

  32. Try rocking a shaved head before you get somebody to slice you up lol

    At the end of the day though if you really feel like a hair transplant would be what’s best then you should go for it.

  33. I’ve had it, it’s been 6 months and the results are astonishing. I’ve got more hair than at any point in my life. The full result is expected after 18 months though. I couldn’t be happier

  34. Save yourself some money.
    Go to a tattoo artist and get some rabbits tattooed onto your scalp.
    From a distance they’ll look like hares….

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