What time do you guys go to bed?

  1. Depends on if i have to wake up early the next day. If yes, roundabout 10 pm. If no, probably around midnight

  2. Getting up for work at 5am, then in bed for 9:30pm.

    No work, then anywhere between 10:30pm and 3am.

  3. * pre 30, was about 2300 (weekends 2-5am as i did work in clubs Fri and Sat nights)
    * post 30 about 2300-0100
    * 40+ 0200-0600

  4. During the week, I head to the bedroom around 9:00 and I like to have the light out by 9:30, coz I get up at 5 every morning and I like to get 7.5 hours of sleep. On weekends, between 10 and 11

  5. I try to get about 7 hours of sleep per night.

    Since I work at 7 AM, that means going to be around 11.

    On days that my son has 6:30 practice, I go to bed around 10.

    On weekends when we don’t have anything going on (rare anymore), I’ll be up until 1-2 playing whatever game seems fun that week.

  6. If I have to work the next day, typically around 12 to 1 am.

    If there’s school the next day, typically at 12 am

    If there’s nothing the next day, somewhere between 3 am and 7 am

  7. I used to go to bed super late years ago. Now I crash around 9:30 or 10:00. The latest I can stay up is 10:30. I’m 22.

  8. 11 pm usually. If I deviate I regret it. Earlier and I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep leading to me being tired the next day. Later and I wake up tired when the alarm goes off (or feel like I wasted the morning if I don’t have work and sleep in).

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