Its not uncommon for women expectation that your looks matter more then your personality.

Update: Thanks for all the comments. Most everyone really helped me get a better hold on mens viewpoint.

For those who thought it was a “silly” question, there are large number of women (and some men) who have severe body image issues. Plastic surgery is less expensive and not uncommon. Mental health can be extremely damaged. This warps how people view themselves. I’m not saying plastic surgery, lots of make up, etc are bad, just that it has a impact on self image.

  1. No, most pictures online are doctored and edited anyways. It’s crazy to me that girls think no one notices their skin has absolutely no textured from the smoothing out of the filter. I also wonder if girls just don’t care or do they really think people don’t notice they edit and use filters for all their pictures.

  2. That’s what r/instagramreality is for, it’ll disabuse you of any notion that online photos of models aren’t doctored to all hell.

  3. Real women look *way* better than the ones on NSFW subs. What I see here nowadays is pretty much the opposite of ideal.

  4. I don’t enjoy heavily filtered and edited NSFW pictures on Reddit. It’s why I specifically gravitate to subs that have real naked women.

  5. IMO Reddit gives a very good variety of your everyday women and body types. I can tell you the only “expectations” it might change are that I kinda expect 1 in 3 women to be wearing a buttplug at any moment

  6. Here is the big difference – when you get to that point with someone in real life, the last thing you are doing is looking for slight flaws that a phone camera filter would take care of.

  7. Of course not. Can’t speak for all men, but I’m aware of how doctored those photos are. Not to mention all the plastic surgery and heavy use of makeup that comes with being an influencer.

  8. No. It’s no different than like an amazing looking steak when you’re hungry. Whether someone posts the doctored photo on Instagram or I have it right in front of me, all I want is to eat it. It looks incredible either way. Pretty is pretty, basically. Despite popular opinion, men are not that particular with this shit. We’re quite flexible lol

  9. No, I these subs like everything else on the internet have become over filtered people pushing OnlyFans accounts. Occasionally you can find some gems on the less popular NSFW subs and it’s refreshing to see some “flaws”. They aren’t flaws, they are what makes you beautiful.

  10. Nah, pictures online aren’t real. They’re usually all edited and filtered to hell.

  11. Nope. Filters and a ton of make up! Try living your life like that everyday lol

  12. Not only do I not expect that “perfect” look (and I’m assuming that “perfect” here means “flawless”), I don’t even like that look. I like women that look like flawed, warm breathing human beings, not plastic gynoids that look less human than a replicant from *Blade Runner*.

  13. no, girls take 100 pictures and chose the most perfect one and upload it, its not fair to expect the perfect to be the normal

  14. Nope. Cuz there is no such thing as perfection. There will always be a flaw. Hopefully that flaw is not a deal breaker. U can’t have fine art without some contrast.

  15. /r/normalnudes

    I’ve noticed that even the people I consider perfect have body insecurities.

  16. Totally fake and not real. Real women don’t look like that without photoshop.

  17. not at all. Im only really looking at other girls online because were not having sex and stuff yet but even then I’m imagining her. She used a lot of filters when posting stuff people can see and she looks great in them. But ones I see most of the time was like jabba the hut selfies, can totally see the hair on her legs probably just as fuzzy as mine only blonde, etc etc idk idc i like her. Theres also things I love about her I’ve always been turned off in others and it makes me kinda like her even more. Sexually i just don’t like how tattoos look on a girl, and piercings are just gross and ugly. Id never tell her i thought that because they all look beautiful on her. She looks equally great without them I honestly couldn’t say i prefer her with or without I just like her.

  18. So many filters are used today, it’s hard to know what’s real. Women can block out any imperfection–I expect a woman in real life to have flaws-I’ve never met a woman who was perfect.

  19. I think it’s super important to understand that most of those girls are making a living through onlyfans, have taught themselves photoshop, have expensive cameras, and know what they’re doing.

  20. Not at all. They don’t seem attractive to me personally at all.

    Details like little to no makeup, a bit of cellulite, some stretch marks here and there, natural lips are detrimental to me to be attracted by a woman.

  21. Reddit NSFW pictures are carefully curated to look perfect. Angles, cropping. Lighting. Editing. Photoshop, filters.

    Even NSFW models or posters on Reddit (and other social media platforms) rarely look the same as they look in their pics in real life. If you take 20 pics and post one, you picked the best looking one. People don’t always “see” you looking your best.

  22. Authentic and full of life human beings are 💯% more attractive then any perfect model on media or in real life.

    I’m creeped out by all those people who look so perfect and smooth like they’re made out of plastic, but to each their own.

  23. My wife is very put together, when we go out its hair makeup shoes the whole shebang. She looks gorgeous, and I dote on her like nobody else. The next morning though after a night out with some cocktails and probably some sex after, she doesn’t look the same. It has become a running joke at this point after 20 years together. The outside isn’t nearly as important as who they are and who they make you.

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