My (21F) boyfriend made an event on Facebook for my birthday and added his friends.

He also added a few girls that I’ve met before but there’s this one girl he added that I don’t remember meeting. My boyfriend is also friends with this girl on Facebook.

This isn’t the first time he’s added a girl after meeting her.

I’m not sure how to feel about it. The more the merrier, I just don’t understand why he keeps on adding girls.

Any advice on how I can navigate this?

TLDR – boyfriend added girl on Facebook that he just met and invited her to my birthday.

  1. I’d ask him tbh I can get how this can appear weird, it’s for your bday and he’s inviting random girls? But what is the event, how big is it, have you had any conversations with him about who is going?

    Are these girls connected to your circle? He could simply assume you know each other if you have tons of mutual friends.

    I mean it would be a bit audacious to invite girls he’s interested in to his gfs bday party. While some people aren’t above that I’m sure, it’s super unlikely as it’s weird af. Don’t stress about this.

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