I see her most days as 4/5 days we get on the same train, and to be fair she’s never like smiled or gestured that she likes me but I have caught her looking at me a few times, it appears that’s she doesn’t seem like a morning person and go be honest, neither am I but how the hell do you start a conversation with an attractive girl at 7am in the morning when you’re both about to get on the same train but get off at different stops.

Now I know you’ll probably read that and go, you get the same train idiot, that’s a perfect situation, but then take into account that I’m rather socially awkward and the thought of talking to her makes me nervous let alone the thought of talking to her on a train full of people 😂

  1. If you get off before her, just give her a note with your number or something! if she is interested, she will shoot you a text. If she gets off before you, take off your watch and ask her what time it is. Just something to get the conversation going.

  2. Yeah man there’s no easy way around this, you’re literally gonna have to grab your balls (metaphorically speaking) and go talk to her, you’re gonna be nervous and that’s ok, roll with it, make light of it. But you should talk to this girl soon cause the more time you waste not doing it is just more time of you not knowing if she’s interested or not, if she is great and if she isn’t that’s also great cause then you can stop thinking about her and then go talk to another chick .

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