I’ll start by saying I feel I’m very inexperienced in dating. My current partner the third person I’ve ever dated. We started off casual- the odd date but more booty calls etc and then she wanted to get more serious and at the time I was really feeling her and agreed. Since dating I’ve had a really good time with her, we always do heaps of fun activities, eat at nice places and just generally have a great time together.
My problem is something just feels off about this relationship and I can’t totally put my finger on what it is. I know people always says go with your gut feeling but I don’t want to ruin something good and regret it down the track. She’s not really given me any reason to feel like this.
I’m not a person who likes talking about feelings and even displaying them in public and originally she was the same but as times gone on she’s got far more affectionate and clingy. It makes me a bit uncomfortable and she knows this and makes an effort to not do it too often.
I don’t really know what I want from posting this but maybe some advice on how to manage this odd feeling I have

1 comment
  1. Start loving yourself. It sounds like you feel “undeserving” of her at those small intimate moments.

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