Say a man has a female friend over. They’re close enough for her to visit his home, but they aren’t insanely close. If he were to offer her an alcoholic beverage, would she assume he was trying to “get her drunk?”. If so, could he offer her non-alcoholic options with the alcoholic ones to demonstrate he is simply trying to be a good host and offer her whatever he has? Or should he just avoid offering anything alcoholic because it’s too taboo?

  1. Id say its fine to offer alcohol, she can always refuse. But you should also offer non alcoholic beverages because maybe she doesnt want alcohol.

  2. Simple, you list off the options from soft to hard drinks.

    Water tea coffee beer wine, tequila shots?

  3. It’s not weird to offer alcoholic drinks if you also offer soft drinks.

    Futher, it’s not weird to offer alcoholic drinks if you’re also drinking them.

    IMO it would only really be weird if you *only* offered alcoholic drinks and *you* weren’t drinking. Like, that specific scenario feels like trying to get her drunk. Anything else, as long as you respect it if she says no, is fine.

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