I just can’t seem to understand. People always just say “yeah” when I talk to them. It seems like no matter how hard I try to talk about something interesting or their interests, they always talk like this to me. Even some of my family members do so. I just don’t understand. Am I boring? Do I have a bad flow in the conversation? Do I state the obvious a lot? Because I think these might be the causes. People just never seem to wanna talk to me. Though a close friend of mine told me that it’s hard to have a conversation because I always talk a lot, fast, and repeat stuff over and over. But even though I stopped, I don’t feel like anything has changed. It’s like I have bad luck. What should I do?

  1. I’ve noticed when I do this, it’s usually because I have nothing to say, it’s like a way for people to not be rude.

    It could be they have nothing relevant to say or they’re not really interested, or they could be preoccupied with something else in their minds. There’s lot of different reasons.

    If you talk a lot and fast they might not be comprehending what you’re saying. Especially if they aren’t knowledgeable about the topic. Imagine if a physics professor started telling you a bunch of college level science things real fast.

    Also if you repeat things, my wife does this a lot. I never know what to say because I’ve already heard a story.

    Are you able to sit in silence with people? Or do you get anxiety? If conversing is a way to manage the anxiety, I would try to force yourself to sit in silence with someone. Don’t pressure yourself to talk to them.

  2. – Are you talking about things that the other person is interested in?
    – Do you ask the other person’s opinion?
    – Are you argumentative when people don’t agree with you?
    – Are you having a one sided conversation from the very beginning? As in, you don’t pick up on social cues, such as someone is working on their computer or on their phone before you start talking (suggesting they are busy and not a good time for a conversation)?

    There are any number of reasons why people don’t respond more than “yeah.” Personally, if I give this response it is usually because I’m not interested in the topic much, I was busy/interrupted, or the other person wants me to say something and I’m not interested in going deeper in the conversation (such as I’m avoiding conflict with that person).

  3. Do you in fact talk a lot, fast, and repetitively? If so, stop dodging those things.

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