i’m going to use a fake name: “Lana” so sometimes i speak to my girlfriends best friend since we are kind of friends anyways and she just had a big go at me to not refer to my girlfriend as “mine” or “my lana” and she says that it makes her uncomfortable and for us not to call eachother that. Why is this does anyone know what her problem?

  1. The only two people who need to have an opinion about this is you and your gf. Her friend is inserting herself where she doesn’t belong.

  2. Two reasons. First, people aren’t property and you don’t own your GF. Next, it is because some people get offended over every little thing you say. Fuck those people

  3. Some people don’t like it because sexism and that fun jazz. But in this case, it’s not her place. As long as your girlfriend is okay with being called that, you can ignore her.

  4. Probably because she’s jealous and if I were you, I wouldn’t stop using “mine” and “my Lana”.

  5. Maybe she finds it insulting that you make it sound like you refer to your girlfriend as your possession.

  6. Tell her friend, “My Lana likes it and I do whatever my Lana likes.”

    I mean, it’s a little precious for my taste. I have a coworker who calls his wife as “Wifey” like it’s her name (she likes it) and it’s annoying, but I’d certainly never have “a big go” at him over it.

  7. What does Lana think about it?

    For the record, I think it sounds endearing and it’s none of the friend’s business, so NTA (unless your girlfriend hates it).

  8. Don’t let other ppl dictate your relationship that is total bullshit, that person is was to entitled n needs to worry bout her self

  9. Her brain has been rotted beyond repair, by the disease of wokeness. From now on, the only way she should EVER hear you refer to your gf is as “mine”.

    If you’re lucky, she’ll say that your masculinity is so toxic, that she can’t be friends anymore.

    I wish you the best of luck.

  10. Next time she gets “uncomfortable” tell her to loosen her knot and chill!

  11. as long as your girlfriend is fine with it, it’s fine. i get that some people might find it cringey, my husband and i have cringe nicknames for each other, too so we’re all gross a little bit with our partners! maybe your girlfriend could talk to her best friend about it? i’ve always made it a thing that my friends and my family are my responsibility to talk to in uncomfortable situations with my husband and vice versa. it avoids a fight a lot of the time.

  12. If it makes your girlfriend happy do it and she will need to tell her best friend to butt out.

  13. Because it can sound possessive but that’s besides the point. It’s not her problem, it’s not her relationship. If it’s something “Lana” didn’t like/wasn’t comfortable that is up to you two to work out – not the friend.

  14. She’s probably offended because it shows possession as if your girlfriend is property instead of a person. Ultimately though, the only people who get a vote on whether this is ok is you and your girlfriend. If you both like it, then her friend can suck it up and deal. It’s none of her business.

  15. Two potential reasons come to mind:

    1. She’s jealous of your relationship, either because she’s single or has a thing for you.
    2. She’s protective and doesn’t like the possessiveness because it reduces people to something less than.

    Just be a grownup and have the conversation with her. Find out what her issue is and then a way through this. She’s your girlfriend’s best friend. You’re more replaceable than she is.

  16. Paraphrase full metal jacket/Dresden Files at her. “This is my Lana! There are many who like it but this one is mine!”

  17. That wording makes me a little uncomfortable but it’s your relationship so who fucking cares what I think.

  18. I don’t know what the friend’s problem is, but I do know that it’s *her* problem. Don’t make it your problem. If your girlfriend has no issue with you referring to her this way, then that is all that matters. If she does have an issue with it, then she needs to articulate that to you so that you can discuss it with her and handle it appropriately between the two of you.

  19. It doesn’t matter what she says cz it’s none of her business in anyway.

    Let her talk and don’t listen to her

  20. Does your girlfriend know about this ? If so you should be telling your girlfriend and maybe limiting the friendship you have with her best friend to a minimum. If your girlfriend dosent mind it hey whatever makes y’all happy go for it if she does care, however, then you need to stop . This though does not make up for the fact that the friend is inserting herself into you and your girlfriends relationship and a boundary needs to be set with her. This is not her place and your girlfriend needs to be the one to set that boundary and stick to it because this is weird how involved she is in the relationship and unhealthy

  21. Haha I live in the East Midlands and it’s pretty common to refer to a partner or family member as my or our.

    Just some examples from my work today

    “My Ellen’s doing two 13 hours shifts next week.”
    “Our Jack’s brothers going to the races Saturday.”

    Like it’s so common around here.

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