Bouncing off from that other post, just wondering…

  1. Everything I buy is carefully researched and I deliberate over it for months before buying ha. I even enjoy buying mundane stuff like bedding and hosepipes.

  2. A hand held fan.

    * 3 speed function from *gentle breeze* to *peels my eyelids* back
    * Inbuilt battery which lasts about 8 hours on “level 2”
    * Micro USB charging port
    * Works free standing or hand held

    I love this thing and have taken it everywhere with me all Summer. Everyone I show it to is dead impressed and few of them have bought their own.

  3. Cordless vacuum cleaner. I’m lazy and it’s much less hassle to use so I do far more vacuuming now.

  4. Tweed jacket off eBay. I’m neither a geography teacher nor huntsman but I’m gonna look badass in the pub.

  5. A pair of good boots. The pair I got was a replacement for a prior pair that lasted me a good long while, longer than other makes have in the past. I got four years out of the old ones, and these new ones are the same make. I expect this pair to last about three years (the difference being the distance I expect to travel in the new boots being greater for a given amount of time, since we are not dealing with lockdowns and forced closures).

    My feet thanked me for purchasing them, the moment I put them on. Seriously comfortable, TPU light weight plastic toe caps (appropriate for the sort of drop hazards at my workplace), ankle and top of foot support which doubles as extra padding in winter, oil resistant and slip resistant sole, water proof upper, perfect for our British weather at any time of year.

    They are Magnum Viper Pro boots, which is a stupid fucking name, but they are damned good. Got them at Millets for about a hundred quid.

  6. I just bought my granny a Fabergé necklace that cost around £11,000 for her birthday.

    She always loved Fabergé eggs, but grew up pretty solidly middle-class in East London. Thankfully, since then our family and I have been very fortunate financially and are now rather comfortable. She still is very thrifty and hates spending money on herself and receiving expensive gifts.

    I bought the necklace entirely with my own money that I earned (not from my parents) and she bawled when I gave it to her! She wears it every time I see her now and she looks stunning in it.
    Was it a ridiculously excessive purchase? Yes. But it made my granny very happy and that is priceless. Being able to give back to someone who gave you so much is just the best.

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