Nice simple question today. what’s your favourite colour and why?

  1. I once asked a taxi driver what their favourite colour was and they replied ‘nipple pink’

  2. Black. It’s simple, clean and elegant. Also, sort of encompasses all the surrounding nothingness, which I find fascinating.

  3. Orange – I 4th grade and had an orange shirt and a girl said she like that shirt. And that just sort of stuck with me.

  4. Hmm it’s been a week since this was asked. This is generally one of those questions a new redditor (under a year and low karma) will ask. Along with what you’re favorite flower is(?).


    1. Black

    2. Blue

    3. Red

  5. Blue. Don’t know why but the colour just calms me down, makes me happy and feel present. I could look at blue for hours on end

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