I’ve had a few messages asking me what happened in the end and instead of typing out the same response to everyone, I thought I would just make a post.

This is the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/x5tsh2/my_daughters_are_asking_me_to_choose_between_them/).

In the end, I managed to get a ticket to the Friday night performance and was going to drive up to the dress fitting on the Saturday morning. Although, I never actually got to attend either.

Something which I didn’t mention in the original post was that as well as both girls fighting, I also had both mums arguing for their daughters (which is understandable) but both expected me to choose the daughter that I had with them. It’s been a very stressful time and not just with my girls. Work has been stressful too. I run my own business so the work/life balance can be really intense at times. I wasn’t feeling well for a few days before ending up in hospital on the Wednesday night. I had a mild heart attack.

So obviously I missed both. My youngest didn’t want to go on stage after finding out but I told her that I still wanted to see her on her opening night so my partner went in my place and Facetimed me for the whole thing. I also got to Facetime my oldest when she was in the dress.

I’ve been home for a couple of days now but I’m still very tired. My youngest is staying with me and is looking after me (with my partner) and my oldest has been around every day. My son comes around every day too.

There are definitely some conversations that need to be had when I’m feeling better.

  1. Wow, that’s awful man, glad to hear you are feeling better that must have been scary. Take care of yourself and hopefully things will calm down soon.

  2. I hope you recover quickly. I also hope that the conversations which you will have are productive.

  3. Wishing you a quick recovery OP.

    I hope this is a wake up call for your daughters and their mothers considering they almost sent you into an early grave. It’s time to prioritise yourself and your health. Your kids can’t fight for your attention if you’re dead.

  4. I think this is the perfect opportunity to explain how the actions effect you.

    I think some times kids have a hard time seeing there parents as people and not mom and dad. This event (while shitty) is an opportunity to talk to both of them about this competition between them and how it effects you.

    That you love them both and it causes you distress when they compete like this.

  5. What ever else happens, get well soon, the rest can wait, also maybe a conversation with your doctor about why you had the heart attack, you are now the number one priority, if you can’t function you cant help anyone else.

    Good luck my friend

  6. Wow, brother, you really go above and beyond to pull everyone’s attention back to what really matters, eh? Hope they get to see it’s not a competition.

    Get well soon.

  7. I think you figured out the source of animosity between your daughters- their mothers. I hope your health continues to improve.

  8. Get well soon, dude.

    If this’ll shut up all the bickering, then I’d lord it overall of them on a near-regular basis.

    I mean, Christ, they could’ve killed ya with all their fighting!

  9. Damn. Have the convos, but I hope you’re on the way to getting better. I’m glad you got a piece of both experiences via FaceTime. I don’t think either child would want you to die of stress from a heart attack or anything else, so I hope you can all re-center and that you can get some perspective for your mental and physical health. Don’t die trying to manage your kids; that doesn’t sound right to me.

    I’m sorry you’re unwell. SICKNESS! BE GONE (Hear that in a Dennis Reynolds voice.)

  10. My God why can’t people be normal? Neither of my parents were able to see me compete at the world junior’s in figure skating but I knew they loved me and that was good enough. I wasn’t going to demand them drop everything and choose me.

    I will add that when I was skating in a competition closer to them (on the same continent lol) they both made the trip up.

    There is give and take in relationships and just because your parents can’t make one thing doesn’t mean its the end of the world. You figure it out and act like an adult. Sorry OP, I hope your recovery goes well and I hope your daughters understand what caused this and just start being better. It will make their lives better as well as yours.

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