Ever since puberty I had a very high libido and sex drive and now in my mid 20’s and still have the same drive if not more. I have had a healthy amount of sex and sexual partners in the past. Usually have sex 2-3 times a week but I am never satisfied. I could have sex for 10 hours straight and still would want more. In most of my relationships my need for sex is more than what they can handle so I just supress my urges most times. On top of that it is hard for me to cum, it takes me 40min to 1 hour before I could finish(unless I havent had sex in weeks.) I would say I am close to being borderline sex addict. In the past this has never hurted my relationships even though I was sexually frustrated I never cheated or anything. I had one gf that was ok with me having a purely sexual partner and it really worked greatly for us. However, most of my relationships dont really like that setup. My current relationship my gf has went through a bit of sexual abuse in her past and it takes her a lot to have sex with me and she tries her best. I love her, definetly want to be with her for a long time. Still, its just getting very hard to just contain the sexual frustration.

I guess there is no question here, just venting out.

  1. I’m just like this as well, especially lately it’s been a lot worse.. I’m in a very happy relationship but I really wish my boyfriend had time to have sex with me more

    Ive ordered a dildo to see if that would help, just waiting for it to come in. Maybe you could get a Fleshlight or something to help yourself

  2. I relate to this. Could have sex for hours every single day. I’m lucky to be in a relationship with an incredibly women who I love and who has a very high sex drive as well but I’m scared of revealing how high mine actually is to her. We have sex around 5 days a week and on the weekends we like to take our time with it so I know I don’t get to complain but I’m scared of her thinking I’m only using her for sex or of what might happen if our sex life slows down in the future

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