Edit :- it may feel oddly specific but such shitty things continue to happen with many of us and I just wanted to hear about your experiences or outlook in such events.

  1. Ah see…i’m not an attention whore. If he wants attention he can have it. Been dealing with my sister my whole life literally and she craves attention.

  2. I lost a girl in college. We were engaged, wedding in 2 months.

    I was getting radial keratonomy (prequel to lasik, they cut lines in the eye) because I didn’t want to wear glasses at the wedding.

    In the waiting room this guy walks in and sits down. Foreign accent, josef.
    Had lost his eye in one of the accidents that made them stop RK and move to lasik.

    So dude is sitting there with white gauze on his face, my fiance gets Florence nightengale sydrome, falls in love with him and his foreign accent. Leaves me for him.

    I never saw either of them again and don’t even know what country dude was from.

    In short, If if weren’t for cotton eye Joe, id been married long time ago. where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from cotton eye Joe.

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