In the US, the Make America Great Again party, a far right nationalist party, has announced an alliance with one of the Marxist parties(The Peoples Party), through Jackson Hinckle, a political commentator to “overcome the oligarchal globalists and the deep state” and to “have ONE working class united in bringing the system to its knees”. It likely is a way to stir up drama with the tag #MAGAComminism, but it’s still interesting.

  1. This is commonly called *Querfront — crossways front* in Germany. It’s put as [third position]( in English.

    Also, the faction head and most prominent public figure of the left party *Die Linke* — “The Left”, *Sahra Wagenknecht* has many talking points which the right party *AfD* — “Alternative for Germany” could agree on.

    They want to throw her out for that, which is like committing suicide out of mortal fear, if you ask me.

  2. The electorate of Sinn Féin, the largest opposition party and likely leader of the next government, is an unwieldly alliance of hardcore leftwing nationalists, socially conversative working class, progressive young people amongst others.

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