I think that I can be too serious, introverted a little bit sad looking and sometimes more open, funny and too sarcastic and I’m not sure which of these personalities I really am. I tend to be the second one when it comes to really close friends, most of them share the same trait and we are cool with it. But there are few occassions where I take it too far with sarcasm, realising afterwards that I might have hurted and annoyed a friend. There wasn’t any harsh argument with a friend, the person just said something like “not cool, I’m okay with jokes but I’m getting too much sarcasm from you recently, either stay serious or stop commenting” because I sent her a dumb joke privately , I apologised and we moved on without any issues.

I feel uncomfortable nowadays when I have this serious personality under my friends because it always reminds me of my depressing past but at he same time I want to avoid these situations where I could potentionally hurt or annoy people, I do hate myself sometimes for this and I’m not sure if I just lack self-awareness or whatever and I do need advice.

  1. Noone is just one personality. Different situations need different traits. When you think of a stereotype of (example) construction worker – what do you see? Once he changes his clothes he can be a singer, a football player or a great cook – all combined. Each of those labels have a sense of stereotype in it but a person is unique. A man who never wants to harm anyone and runs away from violence can have the moment in his life when he needs to use violence (protecting someone/bullied for too long etc… ). – Point is… We get to know ourselves throughout our whole life, we change, our personality changes. Being young is the most confusing time when you know you need to choose a path and dont know what to choose, in short and long term. Accept what you have done (intentionally or not), learn from it and move on.

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