I dated this coworker and showered her with gifts and lovebombing, as I was sure she’d be the woman of my life. She told me she had left an abusive relation and was quite careful with her feelings and only said she loved me once in the beginning, then she kind of withdrew her love. After some time, she said I never respected her as I left her alone one morning when she was waiting for me and sat by my pals. She is introverted and has difficulty making friends and none of them invited her despite being polite, neither me. So she left crying and later on I told her she needs me to survive there and I got her back. I also cancelled a date last min for a birthday party. I didnt do any of these intentionally, but she turned cold and said she would be seeing other people. I got really jealous and made my intention to have her and would badmouth any guy approaching her.

After some time talking, another girl came to our office and she was more my type but married, so I d spend most of the time with her and my crush just deleted my number. I wanted to make her jealous like she did to me, and would do same stuff for the other girl. Then, a man picked her up from work one day and I asked her for his name and to see his social media, so she called me possesive. I got offended and tired of running after her, so I ignored her at work, greeted anyone besides her and found her once crying in her office but went to coffee with the other girl. Lastly, she said sorry after a month, told me she felt abandoned and never worthy of my friends and me, that I was never there for her and I kinda made her feel guilty and swearing she hadnt gone out with any other man, and she told me that guy was her childhood friend and she had always loved me. Then, I replied that she needed to wait for my forgiveness(to value me) and pretended to be busy. She then blocked me. After 5 months she avoids eye contact, pretends I dont exist and She has a ring on her left finger and Im crushed. I still love her, what do I do?

  1. I only read the first line and that’s all I had to see…Dude, stop..:what did that girl do for you for her to deserve you showering her with gifts and lovebombing her? I mean you should never do that in general but ya what was so special about her ? was she just attractive is that what it was ?

  2. You sound like you’re in a very unhealthy place, you’re basically a field of red flags waving brightly over a barren landscape.

    If someone blocks you, you move on. End of. You played a bunch of weird petty games and then demanded to know personal things about her after you were broken up?

    Honestly this whole relationship is exactly why people say “don’t date in the workplace” because you two need to be separated and kept that way.

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