How do your coworkers treat the janitors at your workplace?

  1. Most people don’t know the janitor where I work because he comes in when we are closed and most people have left for the day.

  2. Just like anybody else, they are part of the team. I speak to all of them pretty much daily, I don’t care what people do. I work as a NP so a lot of the time they treat me like a free clinic.

  3. I work in an elementary school so whenever he comes in our class to clean up a spill or to just say hello we cheer him on. Also got the kids to make him cards for his birthday. He rocks!

  4. Luckily with kindness and appreciation. We all work as a team and makes the day run smoothly for all 👍🏻

  5. Ours come in after business hours, so we don’t see much of them. When we do, though, everyone treats them just like anyone else–friendly hellos, asking how their day is, etc.

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