I don’t think I am that picky and I honestly don’t know why a lot of people are. A lot of people have like a huge list of preferences to find the perfect thing/human.

Me? I really don’t care. In friendships, I don’t care what you look like, as long you’re friendly and not hateful, that’s good enough for me.

In looking for a soulmate the same thing. People primarily judge by looks and personality always comes second. I don’t really care (except for sexual orientation). If there’s a connection and it gives a good feeling, it’s fine. I don’t think there’s a need for a checklist.

In my career, I get questions like: “At what company do you want to work?” or “What are your ambitions?” or “Why have you chosen for this profession?” or “Why do you want to work at our company?”.

I just want to practice my profession and at which company I can do that, I honestly don’t care. I just want to work. People always look for a special ulterior motive. There’s no ulterior motive other than to practice a profession I like and I can earn money with.

Same thing about clothes. Clothes are clothes. If it’s neat and it looks good, that’s fine. If it’s a brand I know is very durable, I would prefer it, but for other reasons, like it not being a specific brand, I don’t care to be honest.

People should think and decide for themselves, but to me it seems like a creating a web to get easily stuck in. Things don’t have to be so complicated. Not everything in life can be approached logically.

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