I’m curious as to whether or not this is bad, because I’ve doing this for years. Is masturbating when I’m not horny unhealthy? Or is it bad in any other way?

  1. As long as it isn’t interfering in your daily life and responsibilities or otherwise negatively impacting your life, it’s totally fine.

  2. It won’t cause a health issue,but your maybe need to get distracted.I think that you masturbate because you don’t have anything else to do(you are procrastinating)

  3. If you have to be careful you aren’t overdoing it. You could end up in a position where you are doing it compulsively or you start doing it at inappropriate times, it becomes a bad habit or addiction. It could end up as the thing you always turn to when you are bored and nothing else works.

    Ideally you should be doing it when you are horny, not bored. Everything is fine in moderation.

  4. It’s not bad, and definitely not unhealthy, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your life.

    That being said, if you give you orgasms ‘space’ by masturbating only when you feel horny, they tend to be more intense.

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