As a politician…

  1. I think he is too vocal of American politics. He needs to address the issues in Canada and let USA sort out its own issues, no matter who we elect as president

  2. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I don’t pay any attention to Canadian politics.

    Anytime I see anything about Trudeau or most leaders of other countries it’s because they did something to outrage American conservatives who are outraged by everything.

  3. From what I have gathered from my early 20s Gen z dominated social media, young leftwing people in Canada don’t like him but think he is better than the alternative

    Despite being politically liberal myself, Trudeau and New Zelands prime minister make me roll my eyes quite a bit. They think and talk more about America than I do and I live in the darn country.

  4. Just from the outside looking in, he seems a little smug. Based on what little I know about Canadian politics, he seems to have survived as PM in spite of himself and the fact that the Conservative Party can’t really manage to get out of its own way.

  5. I know almost nothing about him other than he likes to stage elaborate photo shoots and he invoked emergency powers to crush a protest.

    Canadian politics doesn’t really get much coverage in the United States.

  6. I know nothing about his politics and I don’t care either – all I know is he did blackface at least a couple of times… Not good.

  7. The 10 or so Canadian people I know all hate him. He seems like a typical wrong about everything left-wing dork who cares more about optics and placating radicals than he does about the best interest of his country.

  8. My only exposure to him is through J.J. McCullough….. and he really doesn’t have a high opinion of him. So anything I’d have to say about Trudeau would probably be a bit biased. Though from what I’ve seen he can come off as a bit……snobby? Maybe? IDK.

  9. I think he should come down to America and run for office. Not that I want him to win, but he has so much to to say about us he seems like he wishes he were an American politician.

    I think he’s only PM because of his father and he’s been acting pretty smug for a while, but getting worse with covid. He’s been pretty divisive and said some pretty awful things about certain groups of Canadians and invoking the emergencies act was spiteful overkill. Same with some of the other restrictions

  10. Trudeau and his wife met a known terrorist when they visited India. One of his ministers allegedly has links to a terrorist movement.

  11. Freezing personal bank accounts over a peaceful protest is super messed up, however you think the cause is misguided or wrong. It’s also messed up the head of government even has that unilateral power.

  12. He needs to mind his own side of the border a bit more instead of getting involved in American politics unnecessarily.

    It’s bold of him to complain about Americans when they’re finding unmarked graves of murdered Native children. Some phrase about glass houses come to mind.

  13. Really don’t know much about him, he really only shows up in my bubble if he says something controversial. I think he’s probably just a run-of-the mill centre-left Canadian politician, who is famous for being the son of a famous Politician.

  14. He’s a smug hypocrite, and I will be pleased when he’s gone.

    Canadian politics impact me very minimally though, so I (and most Americans I would say) really just don’t care that much.

  15. All my Canadian friends hate him.

    From my understanding, many Canadians dislike him but may vote for him over the other guy.

  16. He has kept Canada quite stable but I wouldn’t really say I am a fan of him due to his smugness especially towards India during farm protests (which really was not helpful). Also he is quite smug towards the US.

  17. I find him somehow a little off-putting. He’s a bit smug and seems to like to take subtle swings at the US. He also seems like a left-wing version of Trump. Like – too far the other way, if you will. Just an impression.

  18. Typical arrogant limousine liberal and hypocrite. He has the unadulterated gall to lecture people about climate change and “carbon footprint” while jetting around his country.

    He sanctimoniously lectures Americans about racism while in his past he has worn blackface multiple times in his past. Yeah he was young but by that time it was pretty well established that blackface was racist. If you’re going to do something like that make sure there’s no photographic evidence of it or don’t lecture us about racism when you literally dressed up like a minstrel show performer.

    He loves to lecture America about how racist and evil we are when his country had residential school murder native kids.

    He spends all his time crapping on America. I’m not saying you can’t criticize us but he does nothing but denigrate his supposed ally. “America this, America that oh Americans are warmongerers”, and then he’d bitch up a storm if we didn’t intervene.

    You know what? Screw him. Yeah us Americans are far from perfect. But no other country would be there for them like America would.

  19. I think it’s kinda crazy the dude has been outed for wearing black face a half dozen times and is somehow still their PM.

  20. He’s an all-talk, no-substance liberal who makes vague gestures toward progressivism (ie. March with BLM protests) while doing nothing materially to further any cause. In short, he’d fit right in with Democrats.

    Mind you, this comes from a Marxist perspective.

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