Is hooking up easy? Because I am just wondering because it doesn’t seem that easy for me sometimes I want a long term relationship I just want a hookup not a prostitute

  1. What young folks are calling “hooking up” is the same objectification people have been doing for years in order to use each other to masturbate without the attendent responsibilities. To make it work Socially, it needs to be romanticized and institutionalized, but essentially is using another human Being to relieve sexual tension, and nothing more. Sorry but as a counselor I choose not to buy into illusions I KNOW are toxic for people and consistenly produce toxic outcomnes. Taken a step farther, “FWB” is about the same but with some salutory social dynamics included. FWIW.

  2. And this is EXACTLY why I made the comment that I did. “Hooking-up” is always presented in terms of sexual freedom and sexual health. Nobody wants to talk about mixed messages, predation, infidelity, scams and crime that too often proceed from it. Relationships such as established polyamory, ENM and even FWB can work for mature, responsible individuals who can communicate their needs and set boundaries. “Anything goes” is an acceptable strategy for Mud Wrestling, not for Human Sexuality.

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