Why do you think some people say they don’t have a problem with a particular person when in reality they do ?

  1. Ill say it first hand- to avoid drama. My family made fun of me for years and called me ugly, told me my husband cheats on me because hes so pretty and im so ugly.

    I would just take the jokes and frown but I wouldn’t say anything because I dont want to start any drama.

  2. Next to the thing where you’re just not ready to enter open conflict there’s also the judgement of others. Sometimes when someone asks you “What’s your problem with X” it’s already implied that there ought not be one because the speaker really likes that person. Maybe the person is very recognized and popular in your group. And if you want to stay on a friendly basis with them you gotta act at least neutral.

  3. Because I don’t have *enough* of a problem to start anything. No reason to make people take sides when I don’t give a shit where anyone else stands, I know where I stand and that’s enough.

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