Men of Reddit, what’s the trippiest/ weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

  1. I often dream about my teeth falling out. It’s hyper realistic, too. Like the dreams I have about fucking celebrities can be realistic but no, those feel like fucking air. My teeth falling out, though? Gotta know how that feels.

  2. So there I was, a part of the collective consciousness of mankind desiring truth and justice, racing through the void to destroy the deceiver of all and just as our force met with the force of evil and hatred I woke up.

  3. I ain’t even gonna lie I had this weird ass Halloween laser tag dream that included hella celebrities and people I know shorting each other all over town

  4. One time I had a dream that I found a girl I matched with on Bumble about a year ago (I’ve tried meeting up with her but she was never available) in real life. We then agreed to meet up.

    It was a fucking roller coaster of a dream.

  5. I’ve had so many vivid dreams through the years. This is one I had 3 years ago that went like this. I was walking down the street and walked passed this lady who dropped her phone. I got her attention and tried to give her the phone. She just walked away. So I looked at the phone and saw an address on there. I went to the address and knocked. The lady answered the door and when I went to hand her the phone someone hit me behind the head with an object. Next thing I know I’m strapped to a table and the lady is standing over me. I asked her, “Why are you doing this?” She said, “I hate do-gooders.”

    She then cut my pinky and ring off from my left hand. When she made her way down to my feet she was gonna cut my foot off when a bullet came flying through the window and hit my strap. She ran off while I was getting myself loose. I picked up the phone she left and called a friend and told them to pick me up and not to ask me any questions.

    My friend rolled up and saw me all fucked up and I told her to follow the car. We finally caught up to the car and I got out and tackled the lady. I pulled a machete out from nowhere I guess and I cut her head off. Then I woke up.

  6. I have crazy dreams in general, but the one I remember the most was on opioids I got from surgery.

    I was in the middle east, I think outside of Dubai, and I was being chased by locals in traditional outfits, but they were vampires running around in broad daylight. They chased me from the open dessert into my hotel, and finally stopped when I got into the pool in my room. Apparently chlorinated water was their only weakness.

    I can still remember the face on one of them and it still gives me the shivers

  7. Once, I had this vivid-ass dream that I was living as an older version of me and I had a career and shit (I even wore a dress shirt and a tie). The weird part is that in this dream I was married, which was strange because I never thought about marriage but she was everything I wanted in a woman from her personality down to appearance. We spent the whole day together (I think, time moves differently) and when “night” came, I woke up and she was gone. So yeah, anyone ever developed a crush on a literal dream girl and got kinda depressed when he realized she wasn’t real? Just me? Okay.

  8. I would never tell anyone irl this. I consider myself firmly straight, never had even the slightest sexual thought about another dude in my life. Nothing about a dude makes me anything close to horny.

    I had to take doxycycline for a few weeks, and I had the weirdest dreams of my life, to include doing gay shit with a dude. I don’t think we smashed, I think we maybe made out. I woke up and was just like what the fuck did I just dream.

    I’ve never told anyone that.

  9. Fought a race of aliens that were giant tick like creatures they sucked peoples blood. Very similar to the movie Alien in style.

  10. This other time I got turned into a Gengar at a family meeting and could no longer breath for 30 seconds, turned out my sleeping position flattened my neck and I was choking on my spit.

    Had dreams of the apocalypse and that I meet up with a beautiful woman with a darker skin tones than me with cool artificial blonde afros everytime. We end up having sex and the women are just so kind and beautiful and then I wake up realising they don’t exist in my life. Fuck

  11. I don’t know what the rest of the dream was about and what was going on, but one part of it I remember **vividly**.

    I was French-kissed by a reptile/girl hybrid (anime monster girl).

    What made me remember it so vividly was that, for whatever reason, I **felt** her long, forked tongue go down my throat and tickle just above my stomach.

    Didn’t need an alarm clock that day.

  12. Going down a long hallway with a brite light at one end a darkness at the other and no matter which direction I go or how fast I go I can’t get to the end

  13. This dream was so weird and creepy.
    I was 14 at that time, I wasn’t myself in the dream but I was seeing from the point of view of the people in the dream (all people I didn’t know in my real life). Basically in this movie it was a group of friends that kept receiving a letter with some pictures inside and if they looked at the pictures then they would die an horrific death (always murder but many different ways). The creepiest thing was that every time the person I was in would die, I would switch to another person. So I died like 8 times in super gruesome ways without finding a way to stop the people I was in to die. I woke up and I was like: WTF.

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