I (32) have been seeing a guy (28) for about a month. There’s a small age difference there in which I’m older. On our second date, he asked if I was ok with the age and I was like sure that’s fine. I asked him if he was ok with it and he was like ‘it’s fine for now,’ but then he brought up that’s his sister’s age and he didn’t know if it would be weird.

I was like ok why would that be weird?

Anyway, we were supposed to go on a date after a month and he texts me saying he thinks the age difference would be weird and that it made him feel weird to date someone the same age as his sister.

What is this about??

  1. This is about a man with one of the poorest excuses I’ve ever heard. for breaking things off with somebody.

  2. Frankly I think that is a ridiculous reason. There is no big difference between 32 and 28. If it is his real reason, you are probably better off without him.

  3. More than likely because he’s insecure about the girl being older in the relationship. Because 4 years is really no big agree difference at all, and I’m pretty positive if the ages were switched and he was with someone that was 4 years younger he’d have no issue with that

  4. You’re better off as the others have said.

    If that’s his viewpoint I would say he’s still got some maturing to do.

  5. If that’s the real reason, I think it’s pretty strange. Maybe that’s just an excuse because he doesn’t want to tell you the real reason. Even if he has some problems with his sister, I think it would be pretty strange to avoid dating anyone that’s the same age as her.

  6. I wonder if he grew up in a household where his sister was treated like a second “mother” (responsible for chores, babysitting etc when male siblings were not), and so he sees his sister as more of a caretaker than a peer.

  7. Doesn’t matter and it’s not worth trying to figure out. Move on and find someone that is psyched to be with you.

  8. There are two possibilities: he’s got a weird hangup about men needing to be older than the women they’re dating, or it’s an excuse. Either way, well shot of him. He’s either sexist or can’t communicate directly.

  9. 2 options here

    Option 1. Dude is just straight up peculiar, he’s nearly in his 30s and it’s just a 4 year age gap, I genuinely don’t know why he’d freak out about it.

    Option 2. He just doesn’t like you, and is using the age gap as an excuse as to not hurt your feelings with the truth.

  10. he’s not interested in you , that’s it

    if he’s not comfortable with someone 4 years older than him , that’s his deal.

    nothing right or wrong about it. just different.

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