What is something about your dating life and or relationship that you just wanna get off of your chest ?

  1. i dont know how to get a date it confuses me a lot when people try to explain it because they are too undirect and put too little detail

  2. I really liked being in a *healthy* relationship and this whole “pretend to be happy alone to not be considered desperate” game is getting on my nerves.

  3. After 40 I stopped looking for potential mate for life. Time for that was 25-35. Now I’m just looking for peaceful, adult relationship.

  4. I do not do relationships anymore and life is significantly better. I feel cutting women out romantically only has made me remarkably happier. Shit is overly stressful to me for something that should be a big joy in your life.

  5. Hooking up is not very fulfilling. It does the job, but there’s something missing when you don’t love the person

  6. No I don’t care that all the cousins around my age are in long term relationships or engaged or whatever. I’m 24 this is the time for exploring the world and living my best life. In fact i don’t really think there’s a good enough girl to be in a relationship with around here either hookup sure but they all wanna stay here and I don’t. In fact once the doctor gives me the all clear and I have money saved up I’m gone again.

  7. Only ever found a connection with women who were spoken for

    I’m convinced that I have to choose between real love and healthy monogomy

  8. The only thing more depressing than my dating life is job hunting. Sometimes I wish a plane would just drop out of the sky and crush me so I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore.

  9. Bored of sex with girls that can not communicate how they like sex. Bitch if wanted to fuck and don’t care I would pay a prostitute. Still I would respect the prostitute but I would not worry if she enjoyed it or not. Well maybe not that much

  10. I have no dating life. Despite trying everything I can to be the best partner I can be and putting myself out there. I am just invisible.

    I have never hugged a girl and I would love to experience it before I die.

  11. Just because I’ve had a different life than you and can’t afford some things you consider “basic” (car, house, etc) because of my current job doesn’t mean I deserve to be left alone.

    Like everyone I’ve had many setbacks in life, although in my case they were always major setbacks that completely prevented me from either going to college or getting a high paying job, but that shouldn’t mean no one wants to date me just because I don’t have enough of this ridiculous thing called money. There’s other important things too like who I am as a person that should count as well, instead of being judged based solely off of how much I can afford.

  12. I’m never satisfied in a relationship and always want to do something new. It sucks but as I get older I start to calm more and one day will hopefully settle or be star struck for someone.

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