Have you ever been hypnotized? why? and did it work?

  1. I was hypnotized as part of a hypnotist show during my college freshman orientation. It did work, which was a really weird feeling haha

  2. I tried hypnotherapy to try and overcome a fear of driving following a bad collision. It did not work for me unfortunately.

  3. I did a session of guided hypnotherapy, it worked as a meditative/mindfulness exercise but I certainly was not fully hypnotized.

    In college there was an dirty hypnotist show one day and one girl flashed her chest to the whole college. Some of those people said they were legit hypnotized but idk..

  4. I can self-hypnotize myself, so yes! But I’ve never been hypnotized by someone else, because I’m worried about how easily I go into that state of mind. I’ve always noticed it when at a hypnotist show and look away until that part is over.

  5. I was hypnotized in my high school psychology class. It worked. Super chill, it’s like that not-quite-awake time in the morning.

  6. yeah it was kinda like day dreaming and I couldn’t snap out of it, super chill tho

  7. I’ve never been, but one of my old friends and her boyfriend were hypnotized at a hypnotherapy/comedy show we went too. I didn’t believe it could work, but she was doing things she normally wouldn’t do, especially in front of a big crowd lol they had her riding a chair as if it were her partner, and barking like a dog 😂

  8. I have. My first bf had kinda a thing for hypnosis, and we ended up relying on it a lot for our sexy time. It was very very fun, and got me into it as well.

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