So we have been going out maybe 3 months now and next month is her birthday. We are not “official” yet but working towards it. She is hesitant on being intimate but that is ok. Next month is her birthday and I am not sure how I should celebrate it. Fancy dinner would be cool and maybe a gift? She mentioned that next year (she is a little superstitious) is important year for her sign and she needs to wear something “gold” and she is even planning to get her ears pierced to wear some gold earrings. Should I get her earrings or just something simple gift?

  1. that’s such a sweet idea actually. i think she would appreciate that a lot and it brings the gift a lot more sentimental value!

  2. So let me understand this. Dating 3 months. No sex. And she’s into astrology.

    Hmm. How about giving her the sign of the door. With her on the other side of it. Perfect birthday gift.

  3. Bro I’m sorry but it sounds like you are way more into her than she is into you. Three months, no sex, and she’s not even sure she wants to be exclusive? Just no. It sounds like she enjoys the attention you are giving her, but that is all. You are like a pet to her. Please have some self respect and find someone who cares about you more than that.

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