So I know I’m going to get blasted on this post for what I’ve done but I’m hopeful someone will be able to offer some sound advice.

So I’ll start by saying I got out of a really toxic relationship years ago where I was cheated on multiple times. It did a lot of damage to me and trust is a huge one I struggle with still. Based of my own paranoia and also a comment a friend of hers made to me to wind me up I decided to snoop though her phone. Thankfully I didn’t find anything hinting she’s cheating on me. What I did find was a lot of her sexual history with casually sleeping with different guys and stuff they did together etc. i honestly wish I hadn’t seen any of it as I initially didn’t want to know about her history, it’s in the past and can stay there.
Now this is me being a hypocrite as I also have a past which is semi similar to hers but now that I know what she’s done and how she brags to her friends about it all. There were also comments about our sex.
Anyway this chick is super into me and I have a great time with her. I definitely do have feelings for her and would love to spend my life with her but how do I get past knowing so much about her past????

1 comment
  1. >>how do I get past knowing so much about her past????

    Give yourself a harsh talking to for being a snooping, hypocritical biscuit? Don’t mean to be too harsh but people who can do x sexual thing but get all spun up about their partners doing the same are pretty weak. My sound advice.

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