A place you’d imagine families going trick or treating on.. just a lovely safe tree filled neighborhood~ I’ve lived in Bethesda Maryland, Nyc, Boulder CO, and Los Angeles.. haven’t found my forever place yet… maybe it’s in the PNW?

  1. I’ve been to 30-something states. I’ve seen tree lines streets in all of them except Arizona and New Mexico. It’s not hard to find.

  2. The city of atlanta has a reputation for having lots of trees, and the metro area isn’t any different. Places that have the ability to have trees usually like to keep them

  3. I’m from New England. As long as you’re out of a fairly dense city, everything at least 20 years old is lush and tree lined. Developments younger than 20 and there’s a good chance the trees haven’t grown back since the developer of cut them down.

  4. I don’t know where in NYC you were, but plenty of neighborhoods have tree-lined streets where I’ve personally seen families going trick or treating. I know people who grew up doing the same thing in Bethesda.

  5. Hyde Park in Chicago has a huge Halloween party where they close down the street and kids from all over flood in. The neighbors on that street go nuts with decorating. Like pneumatic pop up monsters. Spiders on pulleys that drop out of the trees. Enough fog machines that the road itself is literally covered in fog.

    It is a very lush tree lined street. That is super typical for the less dense parts of Chicago proper and very typical for the suburbs around Chicago.

    Columbus has these ravines that drain into the Olentangy River. Some of them have roads in them. So it is basically like driving in a glen overhung by trees with a creek in it.

    Walhalla Dr, Glen Echo, Overbrook Dr., they are super popular for running and dog walking.

    Columbus has a lot of very pretty tree lined streets in Clintonville and Arlington.

    Pretty much any medium/small town in New England has something like that.

    Maine is 80+% forested so there a lot of heavily tree lined streets.

    The East Side of Providence, RI has some gorgeous tree lined streets. But if you want to buy there you had better start saving now. Not completely impossible depending on the exact neighborhood but pricy.

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