So, an insta post got me thinking. What are the rules for ordering if you are being TAKEN OUT on a first date. Depending on where we are and the overall vibe, I tend to be pretty specific in telling my dates they’re free to order whatever they want. So far that hasn’t been a problem, even at especially expensive restaurants. Likewise, I try to order in a considerable fashion and am never one to order something outstandingly expensive, relative to the place were at. However, I’m curious about what others thoughts on date ordering etiquette and maybe throw in some bad date ordering disasters if ya got em.

  1. I think there’s no reason to specify to your counterparts that they’re free to order whatever they wish.

    If you take someone to a certain place, this means you can afford it (otherwise you would have chosen something else, right?). Also telling them “feel free” can look like you just want to show off your wealth.

    That said, if I’m asked out for dinner and have no ways to split (usually I don’t let ladies to pay dinner for me), I tend to choose something average: not too expensive, not too cheap.

  2. Formal etiquette requires that you ask your date what do they recommend. Whatever the host recommends, look at the price point and do not go over it. So, let’s say the host recommends the chicken dish at $24.95, then order something $24.95 or less.

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