What is the one thing in the World right now that you just can’t get behind?

  1. There’s a *tremendous* amount of religious and political movements that I’ve sworn to never be apart of because their aims harm other people.

  2. How people can talk about how they hate the toxic parts of fandom, yet be just as if not more toxic towards innocent other fans. Like being so obtuse about people not liking She Hulk, Ms. Marvel, Kenobi, the new Ariel, etc. Most of the comments I see left by the “toxic fans” could easily be responded to with a level head and things would go so much better. Instead of “Hey let’s be hostile towards these people who don’t share our opinion, they are responding how someone typically would that must mean that they are bigots/toxic!!”

  3. This wannabe alpha trend on YouTube. Yeah be assertive, confidence, and set boundaries but don’t be a complete asshole

  4. How so many people are mad crazy about Harry Styles. I mean dude is cool and all, but come on, overrated imo. (This comment is going to get obliterated so quick)

  5. Inflation and consumerism. Inflation I understand why it happens, but the fact that businesses can just jack up prices and blame politics makes me want to throw up. People are poor and can barely afford necessities while most companies are playing price chicken with competitors.

  6. Fan art. Most of it looks like is terrible and looks bad, and it annoys me when I try to check the sub of a good show or movie and it’s flooded with poorly done fan art.

  7. I think there’s this belief that everything needs to apply/relate to everyone and that if it doesn’t it is somehow discriminatory. And I think this is (a) making everything extremely boring/vanilla/generic and (b) preventing people from developing empathy for others in situations that do not necessarily relate to them. Like in a ‘if I don’t see myself somewhere here then I’m not interested’ sort of way. I think that this is extremely dangerous and will lead to further radicalization/polarization of society

  8. Gender pronouns….the whole LGBTQ movement. It’s not that I’m even against the individual people but the recent push for it in every form of media is fucking ridiculous. They shove it down your throat every chance they get and act like if you don’t 100% agree with everything they say then you’re a homophobe, bigot, etc, etc. It’s gotten out of control recently.

  9. Prices. I find myself saying no to food because while not too expensive for me to afford it, the price is outrageous

  10. Equal pay for female sports “because equality”. Obviously I believe everyone should be paid equally for equal jobs and all of that, but when women’s sport can fill a stadium and get a billion dollar TV deal, and they’re still not being paid equally, then I’ll march in the street with them. But when a professional women’s sports team gets beaten by a local under 15 boys team, no.

  11. The limiting of freedoms for other people through our government. As the “land of the free” government should be enabling more freedoms, vs taking them away. If I don’t want an abortion I don’t have to have one, why or how does someone else’s abortion or same sex marriage or smoking pot harm me. It doesn’t, I retain my choice to not so what I don’t believe in and others maintain their choice to do what they will with their choices. Limiting choices feels oppressive and small minded. Feels like our society is regressing backwards closer to a unintelligent regime with controls of those things those in power don’t like or fear.

  12. The fact that people I agree with socially and politically are now acting in ways that when I was teenager I associated with people on the other end of the spectrum.

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