I (22)F have been dating my (21)M boyfriend for 6 years now. To get down to the point, tonight I expressed that I felt like a failure in our relationship because I just can’t keep up with his libido and it just seems daunting. It’s like I’m so burnt out lately that the thought of it just makes me so tired. He says its okay and that I should only do it when I feel up to it and want to consent because it’s my body. …On the other hand he’s always so touchy-feely with me that it just puts me down, and just doesn’t excite me. Bro, I walk through the house in cozy clothes or just get up to go somewhere and it feels like I’m being sexualized no matter what I do. We already have sex every other day! I’m afraid he’ll just go elsewhere to go find it.. I’m so exhausted. What can I do?

  1. I think you’re getting touched out. You need to just talk to him about boundaries. Like look I don’t want to be grouped walking through the house. I am not a sex toy, I’m a person with feelings and right now you aren’t respecting my boundaries. Then tell him what touches you are talking about. If he keeps doing it you need to maybe consider you guys are compatible sexually. You can work it out it will just be work. I hope he will really hear you on this.

  2. You gotta tell him how it is. Unfortunately mismatched libidos are a very big deal in any relationship, but it’s not impossible to overcome.

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