I’m a 22F and I watch amateur porn and masturbate like anyone else but recently I’ve been dealing with a lot of shame/guilt after orgasming. Is there a reason for this and how do you get over it?

  1. Watching porn is really common. Perhaps it is the type of porn that has you guilty? There’s nothing out there that many people get off too. Especially to get through a low spot. Or even in a happy and healthy relationship.

  2. That’s ingrained sexual shaming that society has saddled you with since before you were ever old enough to understand.

    Porn has all kinds of real reasons to criticize it. The basic act of using it to help you get off isn’t one that should cause you undue stress.

    Unfortunately, getting past unconscious programming may require professional help. Everyone’s brain is different. I would start by reminding yourself that sex, sexuality and even reasonable porn usage(porn has been around in Every culture since before written language!) is normal and healthy.

    There is nothing wrong with healthy, responsible sexual pleasure. It has demonstrated (proven by Science)physical and mental/emotional health benefits! Maybe, you should read some Sex Positive writing to help frame it.

  3. For me I try to kind of tune into the energy in the room to see if it all feels okay. If I sense someone is feeling pressured or there are other types of abuse going on I click it away and sometimes report the video if I think theyre underage.

    Maybe you can sense the same

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