As an Adult, what’s the most childish thing you still do and enjoy doing?

  1. When I’ve had a few beers and I’m home alone I sometimes drop my pants and undies around my ankles to wee into the toilet. It makes me giggle every damn time

  2. I have an older sibling we’re both adults but I never ever stopped enjoying annoying them

    Edit: we’re both in our 40s

  3. I like Fruity Pebbles. But not the name brand Post Fruity Pebbles. They’re too waxy. The off-brand are better.

  4. I only do this when kids aren’t around, but I love goofing off at a playground! It’s fun to climb on everything and go down the slides. I wish they made things like that for adults (bigger slides, harder things to climb etc.)

  5. I still enjoy swinging on swings and trying to get higher.
    I was never brave enough to do big jumps off though, and I’m still not and I’ve done gymnastics and trampolining.

  6. I go to the massive toy shop near me and be amazed at how cool toys are now compared to what they were like before

  7. Building blanket and pillow forts. Gotta buy more blankets and sheets because I wanna go full Community College and have the fort go through the whole crib

  8. I used to hide behind walls and scare my wife, which works perfectly every time. This always cheers me up more than anything.

  9. Annoy the fuck out of people with this technique.

    Girlfriend picks up a packet of crisps

    Her: can I have these?

    Me: have what?

    Her: the crisps

    Me: what about the crisps?

    Her: can I have then?

    Me: have what?

    Her: the crisps

    Me: what about the crisps

    I notice she gets really annoyed right about now. She eventually says the following

    Her: can I have this packet of crisps?

    Me: yeah of course, why didn’t you say that?

    It’s fun.

    My other favourite is when someone walks away from you call them back and make it sound urgent. Then when they get to you, ask them how far they would have gotten if you didn’t call them back

  10. My boyfriend gives me random boops on my nose throughout the day…he’s a financial analyst.

    I really need to get him a dog.

  11. Whenever I hear a plane I must stop and look at it

    Edit: just realized the sub. Obligatory not a man

  12. Avoiding eye contact but also stare indiscriminately at things or people sometimes without impunity just because I am curious

  13. I enjoy farting, especially around kids who try not to laugh. I’m 71 years old and I keep a straight face when I fart around kids, it cracks them up every time. Last time, I was in the dentist waiting room and a couple kids and their mom were there too. I acted like a grumpy old man and made all sorts of grumpy noises and acting like my bones hurt when I sat down. None of which is true. The kids were smirking. Then, totally expressionless, I let out a big, long fart. It was glorious. The kids could barely breathe they were trying so hard not to laugh and their mom was giving them dirty looks. No one says anything because I’m old and grumpy. Being old is fun sometimes.

  14. Last night I ate frozen chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese for dinner, had gushers for dessert, then played Xbox all night.

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