ladies. how often do wash/ clean out your car?

  1. I only wash it after winter is definitely over to get rid of that crap they put on the roads for snow. It rains a lot here and it’s a 20 year old car (it’s seen some shit) so there’s really no point in wasting money on getting it washed professionally.

    I clean it out when I notice it needs it. Like I just went and got sushi the other day, and noticed that some receipts had started to build up, so I stuffed them all into a handy bag and tossed them into the bin. I don’t drive a lot since I stopped having to commute to work, so the only thing that ends up there is paper.

  2. I wash it externally when I have time/think about it because I pay for a monthly pass.

    Inside cleaning is super hit or miss

  3. this reminds me that i have to lol it’s been a min but it doesn’t really get dirty on the inside

  4. most days inside! i acknowledge that’s not normal though😂 outside is a little more of a chore, very weather dependent. a quick hoover inside at least every other day

  5. Outside: i try to wash it every week or so. Between birds and pollen, i only get about a week before it needs it again, in the summer. Winter here, we salt the roads like mad and i use the car wash then.

    Inside: i try to do a deep clean before and after snow hits, otherwise i spot clean basically.

    I work out of my vehicle, most days i scrub the windshield clean at the gas station before work. I use the passenger floor as a garbage and clean that out every couple of days, i can fill a kitchen bag with receipts in a week. I will also clean glass as needed, like if i take a large order and it fogs up my windows.

    For some context, i average 500 miles a week on my vehicle.

  6. Before my husband gets in it I clear out all the crap 🤣 I drive a lot for work so cans of pop, and lunch wrappers from on the go tend to build up. For washing probably twice a year as it’s a colour that doesn’t really show dirt 🤷‍♀️

  7. I don’t use our car a lot so generally whenever I have to take it out. Could be once a month or once two months. Depends

  8. I don’t really have to clean out my car. I don’t keep stuff in it that doesn’t belong in it.

  9. I’m a minimalist in terms of what I keep in my car so really I only vacuum when necessary. I usually wash the outside every other week or so, it’s garaged at home and at work so it doesn’t get dirty much.

  10. Weekly once I am not swamped with work or if my car gets muddy (clean those tyres as so as I get back)

  11. I wash it monthly in the winter, and almost never in the summer. I rarely clean out the inside.

    I wash my motorcycles once every couple months in the summer.

  12. Whenever I know someone else will be getting in it, when it is visibly dirty/in need of vacuuming, or once a month. Whichever comes first.

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