I (F) have never received an orgasm from my long term boyfriend ( 5-6 years) . During sex I’ll stimulate my clit to orgasm and that’s the only way I’ve ever had an orgasm . We’ve never had a passionate “ love-making” session where he tried to learn about my body and try to make me cum, we’ve never had just fore play with no sex . I’ve asked for all these things so many times but I was never heard . I just want to have an orgasm without having to please myself. I want someone to give me an orgasm so badly . I literally just want to orgasm atleast once from someone else’s actions and not my own .

I’m a high sex drive person by nature and I feel loved by sexual things even things like making out or someone grabbing my hips . Nothing of the sorts except pecks for the last few months . I don’t know what to do. I feel like there’s something wrong with my body and me . What should I do next? How do I change this, because I’m not happy. Any advice or opinion will be appreciated .

TLDR: No one never gave me an orgasm and communication was unheard.

  1. Most women don’t have an orgasm during PIV sex. Either he needs to help or you continue to help yourself along! The addition of toys make things fun too!

  2. You answered your own question in the post.

    Your boyfriend hasn’t really tried. This is more of a relationship advice post than a sex post.

    Personally, I would probably not allow PIV until he’s made be cum beforehand. Or has at least genuinely tried. He sound insanely selfish

  3. > I’ve asked for all these things so many times but I was never heard .

    Or heard but ignored. Maybe he gave up on making you cum during PIV, since that’s futile for most women. Dunno why he’s not doing foreplay, no head, etc. The only way to find out is to ask him. Depending on his willingness to make it happen, it may be time for an upgrade.

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