Twisted to pick up something earlier and currently sitting on the couch with ice packs on my stomach, groin, and left nut – shooting pain going through each of them. GF is mad because I won’t go to the ER tonight. Sleeping on it to see how it feels in the morning because I live in the US/you know how healthcare costs are.

  1. Tried to pry a piece of concrete out of a silo above my head… prybar slipped and i smashed my thumb between the bar and a piece of metal. I spend 2 hours using a pneumatic chisel on that silo afterwards. The next day my thumb hurt more then the day before, so i went to the doctor, turned out i split the bone in half almost to the knuckle

  2. Ha- this is common. Women use health care, men avoid it.

    I was once told ‘if your asking, you should probably go it.’

    That being said, I usually tend to wait and see how it goes. I feel like if you need to go, you will know. But I have also gone in and sat for hours only to be told ‘see your primary doc next week’

  3. Well, i had stomach aches for 2 days. Been having problems w it all my life so i thought it would go away like always but it was different this time. I couldn’t walk up straight so after 2 days i went to the hospital and my colon was infected. Turns out i have crohn’s disease and probably if i went sooner they could’ve stopped the infection with medication but now they had to remove a piece of my small intestines.

  4. Had a giant lump in my lip, kept getting bigger. I realized I could pop it with a needle and it would ooze clear liquid, no sign of infection and didnt hurt much so I just kept popping it every few days when it regrew lmao. Finally went in 3-4 months after and I somehow smashed a saliva gland and had to have it surgically taken out so my lip would quit swelling up

  5. Half a tooth came out eating ribs once. Didn’t have a dentist so ignored it.

    A few years later I started getting swelling in my jaw but still ignored it. Fast forward a few weeks and that swelling turned into an absess the size of a golf ball. Was given antibiotics the size of batteries, couldn’t open my mouth, could barely breathe or talk and was in agony for a week. Didn’t go back to the dentist after it went down to get the rest of the tooth removed so it happened again a year later. Still can’t afford to get it removed so it’s just a time bomb I guess.

  6. Dude, if you have a testicular torsion and you don’t have it treated, you’ll need surgery to remove it.

    Don’t be a fucking idiot, go see a doctor.

  7. I was out drinking and blacked out. While.blacked out, me and a friend, equally drunk, engaged in Mortal Combat I’m his living room. According to witnesses, I tried a spin kick, missed, lost balanced and fell face first on the floor.

    I woke up and noticed my foot hurt. It was a bit yellowish and swollen. Figured it was a sprain.
    Went swimming, then skateboarding, which hurt like a motherfucker.

    At night, my foot was twice the size of my other foot, purple and dark blue. Felt as if the skin was about to burst. Went to sleep.

    When I woke up, it hurt so much I could just laugh.
    Went to the ER. My ankle was broken and splintered.

    One and a half month after that, I had a trip booked for five weeks on the road in California (I’m from Sweden).

    Amazingly, I could walk without a cast in Cali.

  8. I had a rash on my chest. Parents thought it was just me having a reaction to something I touched or ate or whatever. They put some Benadryl on it and it went away after a couple days. Came back a month later and we did the same treatment. It came back again about a month later so I had this thing all summer. Finally we decided I should go to the doctor cause we wanted to see what the heck was going on.

    Turns out I had scarlet fever. People used to die from it. The only symptom I ever had was a rash. I’m still either asymptomatic and don’t notice or I just don’t get strep. I can literally be around someone sick as a dog with strep and I’m good.


  9. I fell off my skateboard aged 34. Couldn’t lift my left arm more than a couple of degrees. I didn’t want to deal with COVID protocols and sit in a waiting room for 5 hours. Also, I had tickets to the airshow the next day, so I decided to sleep it off.

    I took the Monday off and went to the GP who ordered an x-ray which took 2 days to come back. Turned out that I had fractured the very top of my left arm bone.

    So I waited nearly a week for diagnosis instead of going to hospital and probably getting an answer within 6 hours. I am not in the US and we have socialised healthcare. Money was not an issue.

  10. Terrible mountain bike fall about 6 months ago, walked it off but never felt quite right. 1 physio appointment done, about a dozen to go because every muscle in my back is destroyed.

  11. Firstly, go see a doctor so you don’t end up with fucked up testicular torsion’d balls

    And as for a “walk it off” incidents…

    1. I ignored having strep, thinking it would heal on its own, got scarlet fever

    2. Had neck pain that worsened, soon enough clear liquid began coming out of my nose, and bad thunderclap headaches. Slight vision changes but I thought I was overreacting. Had a cerebrospinal fluid leak. (Also learned I have an extra vertebrae in my back!)

    3. Played hockey, got left hand hit hard with whatever the stick used is called, thought it just hurt but it would go away. Four days later, find me in a hospital with 4 fractured bones

    I have a lot more these were just the off of the top of my head

  12. I walked it off… Limping for a year. My foot was swollen and even putting on shoes hurt like hell, walking was a nightmare and it kept hurting for a long time. My foot looked different, like something was coming out of it… When I finally talked to my doctor, he said the bones had fixed themselves and that’s why it looked weird, he called it a callous something… Now, seven years later, I can’t even tell the difference, but the pain I had in those months was unbearable.

  13. Back when we were 17, my mate was picking me up and wrestling style body slamming me onto the sofa in our common room. All good until he missed and dropped me onto the solid wood floor knee first.

    Tried to walk it off, it made a horrible cracking noise and had to be picked up from school. Braved it for 5 days thinking it was bruised, but it ended up no better and full of fluid. Trip to A&E and a befuddled consultant tells me my kneecap was probably fractured but had now started to heal so an x-ray was pointless. He couldn’t believe I’d been walking on it

  14. I woke up one morning with a strange deep pain in my abdomen, carried on and went to Uni. Pain progressively got worse throughout the day, couldn’t concentrate on lectures at all so I decided to go home early. Laid down on my bed writhing in pain and passed out.

    Next thing I’m aware of I’m in hospital with an intestinal infection that caused a perforation.

    Nowadays I go see a doctor at the first sign of trouble.

  15. Just have some medical beer or whiskey to help with the pain and you should be good by morning.

    In my line of work we get cut sometimes and I don’t want to waste time and money I’ll clean the cut, press the skin together and super glue it shut. Less than 2 dollar fix and I’m back on the job. My employees think I’m nuts, also I don’t expect this from them they have health insurance

  16. I broke my left wrist and never went to the doctor. I bought a brace off of Amazon and kept it wrapped at work. It’s perfectly fine now and there’s a dent in the side of it but it healed just fine

    I have excellent insurance, I just didn’t want to deal with the hospitals bullshit

  17. Was playing basketball and jumped to tip a ball into the hoop. Came down on my teammate’s shoulder and it knocked the wind out of me. Kept playing and it felt like perhaps I had a broken rib.

    Over the next few weeks it wasn’t healing and in fact was getting worse. It reached a point to where if I knew I was going to cough or sneeze, tears would come to my eyes from the intense pain I knew was coming…a pain that would knock me to my knees.

    It finally worsened to the point of just simply breathing brought me pain. I broke down and went to the doctor. X-rays showed that I had a case of pleurisy (inflammation of the linings of the fluid sac that surrounds the heart/lungs). Fortunately prescription meds cleared everything up in a week.

  18. Ended up having pneumonia and ended up in the hospital. I worked 3 days 14-14 hour days straight including multiple hours outside in the winter and eventually couldn’t keep waking it off any longer. I was 17 so it was during Christmas break at the time is why I was working so much. The doctor was surprised id been able to keep going as long as I had.

  19. Wrecked on my dirt bike. I thought i just twisted my ankle really bad. I was laying down on my bed and lifted my leg with both my hands to move it over and felt a popping sensation in my leg. Next day went to the hospital found out I twisted my ankle so bad I tore a lot of ligaments but also broke my fibia bone which was the popping I felt.

  20. Hahaha I do this and I live in Canada ffs. If I lived in US, I’d have to have lost a limb to go see a doctor! I had severe back pain, and I couldn’t walk, but I figured it was just a sore back for a few days and back to work I’d go. Finally got it looked at and after months of trying to figure it out, turns out it was a herniated disc and I’ve been dealing with it for years. I never did go back to work lol

  21. See a doctor, please. I had what felt like a toothache, but lost my teeth years ago in that area and had a partial denture. I let it go for several years and it worsened, became unbearable and interrupted my sleep. I finally went back to the dentist and she suggested I see a ENT who found a tumor in my sinus. It was surgically removed through my nose. No more pain. I was stupid. Don’t be like me.

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