Since 12 years old I’ve lived my life in social isolation pretty much, due to severe social anxiety and depression. The isolation was partly self-inflicted but I am still kinda weird and very introverted dude.

Now at almost 24 years old things are improving somewhat but I have no friends/SO or any social circle so I think I experience loneliness. I had few online friends but it didn’t feel fulfilling so to speak. My social life is pretty much non-existent besides work and there, while people are pleasant, it’s only about work. Still, there are 2 people that I like at work. How do I make friends of them without being awkward or weird?

Then there’s the thing with romantic relationships. I tried online dating. Got a few matches, had 2 dates but it lead nowhere and was an awful experience overall that I have zero wish to repeat. But how do I find my SO then?

I’ve heard that I should attend some events based on my interests but there doesn’t seem to be anything suitable like that. I’d like to explore some sports but I’m bad at all of them.

  1. In regards to dating you’re going to have to get comfortable with failing/looking stupid/feeling awkward. It’s the only way you’ll grow, sorry. At least you’re getting matches so Chin up because that’s a lot more positive feedback than most men get.

    As for making friends, you say you’d like to explore sports but you suck at them. No problem, join a coed sports league where chances are everybody sucks but pick something fun that you can get by without much technical skill such as kickball or soccer. This might solve your loneliness/friendless/partnerless/social awkwardness problem all at once. Good luck!

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