Whenever i’m socializing i feel like i have a timer, and after that timer runs out i get extremely tired, like physically and mentally drained. And i just wanna sleep.

But… i don’t like being alone, i like being with people, i even wish i could go to more parties and enjoy them better but i have to try too hard to have fun, not because im feeling bored, but because my insecurities dok’t let me enjoy it. I don’t like dancing, i don’t like messing uo the lyrics of a song, i don’t like dancing with other people. But i want to like those things. So that tells me i do like that stuff but am too afraid to do them.

What is wrong with me? Do i srsly have to train my mind to be more extroverted? Do extroverted train to get better at socializing too?

1 comment
  1. You become drained because socializing is mentally stressful. Probably because you feel you’re not good at it, so you’re mentally “pressing” to do well, or possibly just worried about not doing well.

    So the best way to get rid of that mental stress is to become better at the things that are stressing you out.

    It’s possible to train daily through each of your interactions, ESPECIALLY the ones that are more automatic and don’t seem like social interactions. (e.g. with grocery cashiers etc.)

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