I’m in my 2nd year of Uni (19) and feel like I always have to initiate conversations with others and if I don’t than I won’t get a text for months. I’m always the one inviting people who I consider friends out to hang out but never get any invites back. Alot of them say they’re busy to hang out with uni work but than I see them always online on FB or stories of them on snapchat partying and I feel really left out. I’ve only had 1 friend who invited me out places who I met in the Dorms freshman year but he left to study in another country and now I feel like all my friendships are one sided with me always putting in the work. Any advice?

  1. Fuck em. I’d find new friends by joining a club or special interest group at the university. School is an awesome place to meet people and make connections. There’s just so many opportunities all the time

  2. Just let it go. as a 22 year old I wish I would have recognized it sooner. I’m literally friendless literally no one to talk to or text or link with. I’m working on doing things and being alone and hopefully becoming content with it. People who aren’t willing to meet you half way 98% of the time. Except for major situations like loss depression scheduling conflicts like an actual reason or even if they just don’t have it in them to go out that day aren’t really your friends. It’ll be lonely until you start meeting people and forming genuine relationships but it’s better than feeling bad or annoying all the time for being the only one to reach out or call etc. don’t hold space for people who don’t care. I’m using this period of my life to work on boundaries and really iron out the things I want and don’t. Like I said it’s lonely like miserable bone chilling loneliness but I’m hoping for both our sakes we meet our ppl soon.

  3. Here are four traits people find almost universally appealing, I call them ECHO: Enthusiasm, Confidence, Humor & Optimism. Most people don’t have all four, but if you can develop two of them, people will like you better and want to hang out with you more.

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