So me(18f) and my bf (19m) have been together for almost a year. The beginning of the relationship was AMAZING. We’d go out and hang out all the time, he’d ask to call all the time, he was so passionate and he always sent me random really long paragraphs telling me how much he loves me and he’d post me literally every other day (id do the exact same so please dont think this is one sided) but recently he’s been seeming distant? Like, he never asks to call anymore but he asks his best friend to call EVERY SINGLE DAY and when I ask to call he’ll say yes then later tell me he’s not able to and even when we do he just seems completely uninterested. Like we will just sit there for hours in silence and I’ll try to start a conversation but it will just end within 2 seconds. He never send me paragraphs anymore unless I ask him and even then they are just short paragraphs and I always have to ask him to post me and one time I asked him to post me for that little national girlfriends day thing and he GOT MAD AT ME??? We still hang out everyday tho and we normally just cuddle and talk.
Also during school in most classes he ignores my entire existence and is on his phone %90 of the time.

I just don’t know anymore. I tried talking to him about it and he apologized saying he was a shitty boyfriend and that he’s trying his best but clearly he’s not good enough and saying other shit like that but he never did anything to change.

I honestly think I’m just done trying. I might just be too needy. I need some advice.

Tl;Dr I think my bf is losing feelings for me because he’s being more and more distant but I might just be overreacting

  1. Firstly, I don’t believe noticing these signs qualifies as any sort of needyness or delusions. In my own personal experience they are red flags for a rocky state of relationship.

    Aside from him being distant, have you noticed any other behavioral differences in him? As that could be a sign of a different issue aside from your relationship that’s causing him to act this way.

    I’d say that if you do still do truly love him, try once more to speak with him and voice your attempts at trying to repair things and his lack of change. Along with any plans on what to do if that talk fails, I trust that you’ll have the best judgement about the situation to choose what is best for you; even if that doesn’t include him.

  2. Your relationship has run it’s course. You’ve been together less than a year and have found out you’re not compatible. That’s fine. That’s why we date.

    >Like we will just sit there for hours in silence and I’ll try to start a conversation but it will just end within 2 seconds.

    That’s ridiculous. If no conversation is occurring, hang up and live your life.

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